Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: YConnell Kerth Nominations Now Open! - 02/18/06 08:37 AM
Yes, it's time to get nominating the stories you think deserve an award at this year's Kerths. Nominations run from today, Saturday 18 February, until midnight EST on Sunday 5 March.

As we've said before, the more nominations submitted, the better fun for everyone, so even if you've never taken part in this stage of the process before, do consider giving it a try this year. You can nominate in as many or as few categories as you like, and you can read more about the nomination process here.

When you're ready to nominate, head over to the nominations form here. Fill in the form, click Submit, and you're done. It couldn't be easier.

We can't wait to hear from you. smile1

Kerth Committee Member
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