Lois & Clark Forums
As old-timers around here will know, the dawn of a new year is the sign that something very exciting (well, we can always hope...) is approaching. And so it is again this year. We are delighted to announce the advent of...

... the Annual Kerth Quizzes! clap

Where will these be found? The quizzes take place over on the Lois and Clark Fanfic Email List. You'll find the list here . Not a member and want to join? Just click on the 'join list' button!

What are the Kerth Quizzes, you may ask? Well, they're a part of getting into the Kerth spirit. Remember all those wonderful, exciting, romantic, tearjerky, WAFFy, hilarious, angsty stories you read last year? REALLY remember them? Enough to be able to quote your favourite lines? Enough to recognise a line of dialogue out of context?

How well do you really know the very best of Lois and Clark fanfic 2005?

And are you all ready to submit your Kerth nominations?

...no, thought not. wink

So get ready for the Quizzes! We will cover every Kerth category, with the exception of Best Overall. Each quiz will carry quotes and/or extracts from a selection of stories fitting that quiz's Kerth category. And it's up to you to guess the story and author. Points are awarded, scores are kept, and you might even get a shiny gold star if the quiz-setter decides to like you. wink Half-points, and even quarter-points, are common, and last place is even more hotly competed for than first.

Wondering how to take part in the quizzes? Well, one way is to join the fic list, of course. If you don't want to join another list - though you don't have to have emails coming into your inbox; it's possible just to read the messages via the website, and post from there too - you can always just read the posts without being a member, and then email your answers to the person who set the quiz. (Don't email them to the Kerth quiz team email address, because the rest of us may be entering the quiz ourselves and not want to see answers wink ). Any time a new quiz is posted to the list, we'll post the link here so that non-members can find it.

This year there have been lots of changes to the Quiz team. Unfortunately, Hazel and Meredith are no longer able to participate. I want to record my personal thanks to both of them for everything they've done over the past few years: for their cheerful enthusiasm, their excellent sense of fun in the quizzes and responses, for stepping into the breach last year when I couldn't be around. And I'd like to thank Hazel especially for offering to help out right in the beginning, for adding so much to the quizzes and being such a terrific person to work with. Thank you both - we'll miss you! sloppy

The new team for 2006 is:

Capes (Rachel)
Chris Carr
Julie Stars
Sara (farneygal)

and we even have our own email address now! You can contact us at kerthquizteam@lcficmbs.com


If you have a story which was completed before December 31 but isn't on the Archive, and you intend to make it eligible for the Kerths, can you please drop us a line at kerthquizteam@lcficmbs.com so that we can add it to our list of stories? We don't guarantee to use every eligible story, but if we don't know about it we can't even try to use it. wink

So, the countdown starts here... get reading, and get ready! Kerth Quiz No. 1 will be posted on Tuesday 3 January.

Wendy smile

on behalf of
Your friendly neighbourhood Kerth Quiz Team
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