Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Frustrated... - 10/22/05 04:22 PM
Do any of you ever find it frustrating when you're trying to find help for your fanfic?

I asked for BR help several days ago and I've gotten no response. Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but this isn't the first time I've asked for a response and gotten nothing.

I read from time to time about people needing "work" cause the activity is rather slow, but still I don't receive a response.

I feel that sometimes the most popular fanfic authors get responses right away and the rest of us get left in the dust.


Just wanted to get this off my chest because it's been weighing on my mind for a while.

<Jumps off soapbox and gets back to real life...>

Posted By: AdmiralTMoya Re: Frustrated... - 10/22/05 05:12 PM
Well to quote a famous Vulcan named Spock.... "The needs of the One sometimes outweigh the needs of the many or the popular." Yeah, I changed it just a little bit. But my point is this. If I were a Beta Reader, I would strive too help everyone who asks for BR help. Not just the Popular writers.

That is just my humble, logical opinion. That and don't forget that all important pair of sparkle jeans for Fall and Winter. And the Bebe Handbag. Fashion is key for us Society Reporters and Investigative ones as well.


Posted By: aurora1424 Re: Frustrated... - 10/23/05 07:35 AM
I don't think it's so much the popularity of the writer than it is the time constraints of the BR.

I saw your post requesting a beta reader, and I was thinking about volunteering myself, seeing as how my workload has eased off a bit for the time being. But then I thought, what if it picks up again and I can't continue with the story? I didn't want to leave you in the middle of things.

I'm sure your problem is one I'll be experiencing soon - I'm about to start a fanfic of my own (my first for this fandom), and I'll be searching for someone to bounce ideas off and generally help out.

Good luck with your search!
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Frustrated... - 10/23/05 08:44 AM
Hey LL,

I've had this feeling sometimes too, so I can sympathize. I think, however, that the problem isn't that a popular writer can find a BR more easily. They simply have regular BRs, and don't find themselves in the need to go searching.

Personally, I don't have regular BRs and I don't BR regularly for anybody. Actually, my workload for school is such that I haven't BRed anything in a long time. But if you keep trying, maybe you'll find someone.

Why don't you try emailing someone from the Willing BRs Looking For Work thread? I understand it's a little old, but maybe some of the posters there are still available.

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: Frustrated... - 10/23/05 03:52 PM
Well, I'm feeling better knowing that I'm not the only one. It's just kind of hard not to feel such things when you notice some stories getting more attention than others. Those of us writers who'd love to have a fan base...feel left in the dust.

In all honesty though, I write because I enjoy it and I enjoy writing about Lois & Clark. I just have to remind myself that when I get frustrated. smile
Posted By: LabRat Re: Frustrated... - 10/23/05 04:27 PM
I think Aurora and Anna have the right of it. Most of those authors who I suspect come into your category of 'popular', LL, can also come into the category of 'been here a while'. <g> As such they're not looking for beta readers these days; they're using the ones they always have, going back years.

I do think that the culture has changed over the last few years. There seem to be less willing volunteers to help out authors than there used to be. Which is rather sad. I'm sure that there's a variety of reasons for that though and generalising probably doesn't work to explain it. I've never found that it does really when you're dealing with individuals. wink As ever with these things, the board members will have a wealth of reasons why they don't answer beta reading pleas posted here. I do suspect that just sheer pressure of available free time is what scuppers most of them.

Certainly that's my problem these days. I love beta reading and I love helping out new authors especially, but I quite often have to say no when authors send me their stories on spec, because I know I just can't give them the time or attention they deserve from a beta.

One thing I have found though - most of the authors and betas I know beta each other's work and are friends to begin with. You might have more success looking to your FoLC friends first for help. Or, perhaps, you could volunteer to beta for someone yourself. It hasn't been unknown for beta friendships to start that way and for betas to return the quid pro quo once in a while. smile As is often the case, helping someone else can often lead to someone helping you.

Although, I understand how frustrating it must be, when you get right down to it though, I think, in the current culture of limited betas, you have to adopt the attitude you have. Write primarily because it's fun and you enjoy it and worry about the grammar and typos later. thumbsup

LabRat smile
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