Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Capes Holiday Fanfic--question? - 10/22/05 01:32 PM
Hi FoLCs!

I'm new here-sort of. So I have a question about how it works on these boards.

I am writing a fanfic that is based around the time of Halloween. I am not finished with it, but know how it's going to work out. So, I am hoping to start posting it to see if it's the kind of fanfic that flies (hehe) around here these days. If so, I need to get it done asap b/c Halloween is almost over!

How much do you usually post at a time? And how do you set it up (i.e. format)? I've checked FAQs, but it doesn't really answer this question.

Help? huh
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Holiday Fanfic--question? - 10/22/05 03:49 PM
Hello and welcome, Capes smile

Regarding post length: Knowing how insatiable we FoLCs are goofy I would suggest that you do not go for less than 4 pages per post.

Regarding format: I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I can give you some general rules:

- Put space lines between each paragraph.
- Use plain text (i.e., do not post the entire story in bold). For words that need to be emphasized, most writers use asterisks (as in "I have *no* *clue* what you're talking about") or italics (as in "I am such a hopeless cook!")

Hope I've helped a little! Have fun posting!
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Artemis Re: Holiday Fanfic--question? - 10/22/05 07:57 PM
Good points, Anna. Also Capes, you're going to be using UBB code on this board. Italics are [i ] text [/i ] and bold is [b ] text [/b ]. There is an extra space behind *i* and *b* so you can see it .
Don't bother indenting paragraphs in Word, it won't show up. Also it doesn't matter what font you use, the board will use its own.
Besides that, Good Luck and I'm eager to read your story. Also you need not finish the story before the holiday. We'll read it anyway.
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