Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lolly very very very important!!!!!! - 06/18/05 04:38 PM
Hi.. I'm looking for the second part of the fanfic "Near wild heaven"...please if you were I can find it tell.. I've loved this famfic a lot!!
Posted By: Poussin Re: very very very important!!!!!! - 06/18/05 04:51 PM
I just asked Kaethel ( the autor ) about the same thing few days ago, and she answerred me :

"la suite est encore en cours d'écriture, ce qui explique pourquoi tu n'as pas pu la trouver. Disons que cette année est la première année depuis la sortie de la partie 1 où j'arrive vraiment à avancer et à être motivée par cette intrigue. Enfin, jusqu'à il y a quelques semaines. Ca s'est ralenti beaucoup ces derniers temps, quoique je nourris toujours l'espoir d'arriver à publier Belonging (c'est le nom de la suite) avant la fin de l'année. Croisons les doigts."

She said that she's always writing Near Wild Heaven 2 (What title is "Belonging"). This year is the first when she's motivated for, and she hope that maybe she will publish it before the end of the year.

We just have to hope and to wait. I guess she know we're numerous to love that story.
Posted By: Wendymr Re: very very very important!!!!!! - 06/18/05 04:56 PM
Hey again Lolly,

See this thread for discussion of the exact same subject! wink

Kae knows how much in demand NWHII is - and she's working on it.

Wendy smile
Posted By: Lolly Re: very very very important!!!!!! - 06/18/05 04:57 PM
Mercie pour ta reponce, Poussin.. what can I say.. probably the same thing Keathel said: "croison les doigts"
Posted By: Poussin Re: very very very important!!!!!! - 06/18/05 05:12 PM
I just find another Thread where Kaethel talk herslf about that.


EDIT: sorry, the link have yet been publish
Posted By: Kaethel Re: very very very important!!!!!! - 06/18/05 05:16 PM
Lolly, thanks for your interest in the story, and Poussin and Wendy, thanks for giving her the update. smile

Yes, as Poussin said, I'm working on it a lot more steadily this year, and I really hope I can wrap it up and post it by the end of the year. Cross your fingers! smile

Kaethel smile
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