Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Doranwen Fanfic Checklist - for SV - 05/23/05 05:12 PM
Well, it's not L&C, but it IS fanfiction, and some of the resources would be useful here, even.

This link is my latest creation, a fanfic checklist for all the Smallville writers who need help. Some will undoubtedly ignore it, even when I point them to it. But some will use it, and for those few I'm glad to have made it.

If you have any suggestions, you're also welcome to submit links, etc., and you'll be credited for the help.
Posted By: KathyB Re: Fanfic Checklist - for SV - 05/24/05 12:25 AM
Great checklist. I'll be curious to see what kind of response you get to it.

And wow, what an organized board! I'm impressed by their detailed structure ... and a bit blown away by the large numbers of people on it at one time. L&C was on the cutting edge of the internet, but a show currently on the air -- especially one that skews towards a younger demographic -- makes our fandom look so small in comparison. (And it's not just SV I say that about -- CSI is the same way, though the board I'm familiar with for that show isn't structured nearly as well as ours or the KryptonSite board.)

I have to admit I got a kick out of all the pairings on the SV fanfic board, though. In L&C, there is ONE couple and ONE couple only -- and that's the way we like it. <g> The whole mutually exclusive 'ship thing is so odd to me. Nine different pairing folders, *plus* an "other" category. LOL!

Posted By: Doranwen Re: Fanfic Checklist - for SV - 05/24/05 05:25 AM
Oh, that organization is so new, the Fanfic Discussion forum is still FILLED with "Moved: ****" threads. Originally the Fanfiction & Fan Art was all in one forum. And then they split it (and most of the threads got moved to the new Fan Art & Music Video) forum. By last month, it was a mess. Close to 70 pages of fanfics, questions about fanfics, polls about fanfics, fanfic recommendation threads, etc. I was REALLY sick of the lack of organization, and this board looked SO nice in contrast. wink But in the last week or so, they finally went through with the organization plans they had been creating, and now it's all divided by ship, which is pretty much how Smallville works. (And I still like the calmness of this board very much--but at least K-Site is more organized now. One can actually FIND what one is looking for. wink )

L&C was obviously designed for one ship--and the whole focus on the soulmates thing only reinforced it; the different categories of fic are more in the genre. SV, being a teenage drama/whatever you call it, naturally played off of the possibilities of relationships. There is even a thread called "Worst pairing you can think of". *shudders* Don't read it; you will want industrial cleaner to remove the filth afterwards.
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