Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mister Data What makes an AU Fanfic successful? - 04/21/05 09:55 AM
I just got this link from another fandom and found it very intriguing.

your thoughts?

How to construct Alternate Universes that work as fanfic

Posted By: BevBB Re: What makes an AU Fanfic successful? - 04/22/05 09:09 AM
Wow, deep. But interesting.

It also gives me something to think about regarding a story I'm currently wrestling with. I think I have been hestitating to go in certain directions because I thought it was "too far" from canon but maybe that was the point after all.

Hmmm. I shall have to think about this some more. confused
Posted By: EmilyH Re: What makes an AU Fanfic successful? - 04/23/05 06:20 AM
The author makes some interesting points. The AUs I have enjoyed were because the quality of writing was good. The AUs I didn't like was because the quality of writing was not so good, for example, it was an AU simply to introduce the author's Mary Sue.

I like crossovers also when they are well done, but a badly written crossover can really stink. If the author is making up really far-fetched excuses as to how the various characters got into the universe, chances are the writing isn't very good. But if it's well thought-out and the characters do work together, a crossover can be interesting.
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