Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MLT FFQ: Best Friend - 04/10/05 12:24 PM
Does anyone know the first time Lois referred to Clark as her best friend? Was it during the final two episodes of season one?

And did Clark ever refer to Lois as his best friend during the series? And if so, when was his first time?


ML wave
Posted By: LabRat Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/10/05 12:28 PM
No, I don't have the answer - but strangely enough it was a question I was asking myself last night - on the heels of some very savvy beta reader comment - and couldn't recall.

So I'll be glad of the answer too. laugh

LabRat smile
Posted By: sheilah Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/10/05 02:10 PM
The first time Lois said it was in "Barbarians at the Planet" after Clark told her that he loved her: "Clark, you're my best friend, the only partner I could ever stand to work with. I admire you, respect you, and I do love you, but only as a friend."

However, in "Man of Steel Bars," after Clark left, Lois told Cat: "I mean, everyone's acting like I lost my best friend or something." According to the script, Cat gives her a beat to realize what she's just said.

By the 10th episode, Lois wasn't ready to say it. However, her choice of words was intended to appear Freudian, and certainly everyone else recognized that Clark was in fact her best friend.

In "All Shook Up," in response to Clark's question of whether they're friends or not, Lois tells him: "Sure we're friends."

However, the first time she actually calls him her best friend is in "Barbarians at the Planet."
Posted By: MLT Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/10/05 03:31 PM
Wow! What a great answer Sheila. Obviously not the first time you've asked yourself that question. wink I'm wondering if you know if Clark ever refers to Lois that way. I am unable to remember a single time when he says it.
Posted By: LabRat Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/10/05 03:36 PM
Thanks from me, too, Sheila. That's just what I needed to know. thumbsup

LabRat smile (heaving a sigh of relief that that works into her plot... laugh )
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/10/05 03:50 PM
As far as I could find out,
Clark mentioned Lois as his best friend in Madam Ex, (while talking to his parents about Lois' state of mind after Lex's death)

Well, I guess she's my best friend.
And... I'd never do anything to
jeopardize that..

But you lied to her about your true

I crossed my fingers when I did it.

Also, Clark's called Lois her "friend" (though not best) in Green, Green Glow of Home and The Foundling.
Posted By: Julie S Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/10/05 04:45 PM
In All Shook Up Lois didn't outright say he's her best friend, but she said she loved him like a brother. That counts for something. wink

Julie smile
Posted By: MLT Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/10/05 08:29 PM
Thanks everyone. That's a lot of help. Unlike Labby, I'm going to need to tweak my story a little. laugh

Posted By: LabRat Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/11/05 01:20 AM

Okay, following on from this, I have a couple more questions.

1. Which episode was it that Perry made Clark Lois's partner? Much to her disgust.


2. There was a two, I know there was. Oh, yeah - in the pilot, when Lois and Clark worked together on the Prometheus investigation. That was an official assignment, right? Perry assigned them to work on it and assigned Clark to work with Lois.

I know, I know...I need to watch more episodes. I should have my FoLC credentials removed for not knowing these.

Ashamed Rat. (Honest) blush
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/11/05 07:08 AM
Perry made them official partners in Requiem for a Superhero

Lois initially started on her own, without Perry's approval on the Prometheus investigation. But after Cdr. Latterman's death, he officially endorsed it. When Lois asked for back-up, Perry gave her Kent.
Posted By: LabRat Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/11/05 10:43 AM
Thanks, Anks! thumbsup

LabRat smile
Posted By: sheilah Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/11/05 02:47 PM
Actually, guys, I couldn't have pinned the answer down that closely if the scripts hadn't been online. I knew which group of eps to look in, and just ran a quick search (Find on this page) for "best friend," "friends," and "friend." Of course, I remember the scenes well enough to tell if the words in the script actually appeared in the aired episode, but I had to look them up to find them.

(/me can't wait for the DVDs in order to search for scenes almost as quickly as with text)
Posted By: Xanabee Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/12/05 01:31 AM
just ran a quick search (Find on this page) for "best friend," "friends," and "friend."
Oh wow - that's what that search engine is for? Thanks for mentioning this, Sheila. I have tons of questions I maybe could get an answer for by looking for them this way. Cool! thumbsup

I'm too dumb to figure this stuff out by myself... :rolleyes:
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/12/05 03:35 PM

Sorry to jump in here, but I think my query flows with the same vibe.

When was it first stated, by individuals that were not Lois and Clark:

When are those two going to get together...
When are those two going to see it...

Something like that.
You often hear of Perry and Jimmy commenting on their relationship, but I cannot remember the first comment. There were bets too - a name that comes to mind is Bobby Bigmouth...? Maybe I'm getting the show mixed up with fanific smile

Hmm. Maybe it is Martha.

Am I clear as mud?

(Labby...I like your new avatar!)
Posted By: LabRat Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/13/05 02:28 AM
(Labby...I like your new avatar!)
Hey, thanks. smile It's my 'baby', Homer. <G> My favourite pic of him. He was told to stay inside while I was out weeding in the garden, but I guess he figured the chair was hiding him. goofy

LabRat smile
Posted By: jackiek Re: FFQ: Best Friend - 04/15/05 12:09 PM
SuperRoo, In "the Phoenix" Bobby Bigmouth says "I'm so happy for you kids. I want you to know, a lot of people are pulling for this to work out".
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