Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BanAnna The Alt-Kerths are returning to FoLCdom! - 04/02/05 06:35 PM
The Alt-Kerth Committee (AKC) has decided that it has been long enough since the last Alt-Kerth ceremony, and we have decided to hold another this year! If you're fairly new to FoLCdom and don't know much (or anything!) about the Alt-Kerths, you can check out the websites for both the 2001 and 2003 Alt-Kerths for more information.

This year's Alt-Kerths will be held on July 9, 2005. All stories, videos, trailers, speeches, comments, etc, that were first uploaded to the internet between April 1, 2003 and April 30, 2005 will be eligable for this year's Alt-Kerths. That means you've got less than a month to post anything that you'd like to be eligable this year!

A new website with all the information you'd ever want or need to know is coming soon! It'll include the category list, eligable list, important dates to know, and more. Stay tuned for more information. smile

What the Alt-Kerth Committee needs from the FoLCs right now is a third (and possibly fourth) member for our committee. This person would help us in many areas including generating ideas, deciding on the category list, organizing the ceremony, and more! If you're interested in becoming a part of this process, email the AKC at alt_kerths@hotmail.com.

The AKC is looking forward to a fun year, and we hope you are too!

~The Alt-Kerth Committee
Anna and Saskia
Interesting! I'll be in Mexico at the time, though, without regular Internet access, probably, so I likely won't be able to make it, but I'll have to see what happened when I can.

One tip: "eligible" has two I's. laugh Hope that helps!

Good luck with it all, and hope you find your volunteer! (I most definitely cannot.)
Posted By: LabRat Re: The Alt-Kerths are returning to FoLCdom! - 04/03/05 03:15 AM
I was so excited to hear this news last night! smile1 You're right, it has been too long and we certainly have a lot of artistic talent to celebrate.

clap clap

LabRat smile
Posted By: Kaethel Re: The Alt-Kerths are returning to FoLCdom! - 04/03/05 06:33 AM
That's excellent news, Anna and Saskia!! I'm so looking forward to another fun ceremony. smile But hey, if you'd organised it just *one* week later, I would have been attending from Canada and wouldn't have had to spend the whole night up! laugh Ah well. I'll survive another sleepless night. wink

Kaethel smile (feeling a bit fuzzy after going to bed at 4:30 am last night... I must be getting old goofy )
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