Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: amciotola Kerth Volunteers Needed! Voting Ends Soon! - 03/26/05 08:06 PM
Happy Easter!!!


Don't forget, voting ends at midnight Sunday!!

With the awards ceremony coming up next weekend, we need volunteers to help out!

We need presenter's for the following categories:

Best Super Short
Best Short Story
Best WAFFy Story
Best Comedy
Best Holiday/Special Occasion Story
Best Mid-Length Story
Best Short Revelation Story
Best Short Episode Adaptation
Best Long Revelation Story
Best Long Episode Adaptation
Best Alternate/Elseworlds Story
Best Dramatic Story

We also need a volunteer to do sounds and come up with 'commercials'!

So, anyone willing please email me at either amciotola@annesplace.net or amciotola@lcficmbs.com!
First things first. I'm interested in presenting. Probably Super Short. (It'd have to be one of the earlier categories, and I'm embarassingly far behind in my reading. At least Super Short would be easy to read through.)

Yeah, I know. I'm supposed to email, not reply on the boards. The thing is, I've got a bit of a problem.

Somehow, moving day ended up landing on Kerth day for the second year in a row. I don't know how it happened. Mom really ought to consult the Kerth schedule before she books airline tickets. Really, what was she thinking? :p

So, I plan to attend, but I'm not 100% sure that I'll be able to make it. Even if I do, I'll very likely be logged in from the car again. It worked out last year, but there's always the chance that I'll lose signal at some crucial moment while we're cruising along up the highway.

Writing the speech is no problem, but if I'm going to present, I'll need a backup person just in case. I'd just write out the speech and then email it to some kind volunteer. All you'd have to do is paste it in for me if, for any reason, I can't be around do it myself.

K-comm, is that doable, or is it better just to get someone more reliable in the first place?

Assuming there's no one better to do it, does anyone want to volunteer for back-up?

As for commercials, what are we talking here? Traditional ones, like from the first few years? Does this mean we're not doing "guess the fic" again? (It never did much for me, but I know some people enjoyed it.) Any other thoughts/possibilities?

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