Lois & Clark Forums
Girls... my e-mail is not working. I tried everything possible but it is not working.

I had another one on gmail. I hope it works.


It wasnt working this morning but I hope something works for me at last! If not... ARGH wallbash
Er...were you trying to email me, Erica? Or expecting me to email you? Because...um...er...

/me gives up trying to come up with a good excuse and just admits she's been tardy on her beta reading this week...

Sorry, CC, Laurie and, yes, Erica. blush

Actually, I did really have a good excuse. Honest. I made myself a new filing system for Outlook Express and helpfully put all my pending beta reading files into a separate folder, so that my mailbox just held pending general mail. I even named the beta reading folder PENDING BETA READING. See? Big block letters.

You wouldn't think you could miss that, would you? Unfortunately, it was a case of out of sight, out of mind, and it wasn't till I read this post that my mind suddenly leapt into the air going "OMG! Beta reading!!!" and whacking me over the head with a two by four.

And here all this week I've been bored and wondering what to do... dizzy


LabRat smile (who blames Outlook Express for hiding that folder unless she clicks on it. Aha! She knew it wasn't her fault! )
Sorry, CC, Laurie and, yes, Erica.
CC is writing?!?!?!?!?!

Ok, I bet you didn't mean to mention that! wink

~Liz (happy happy joy joy..CC is WRITING!) dance
Hi Labby,

Actually I didnt expect to receive anything for now. I know you have a lot of reading to do and from what I read... lots really wink

I just wanted my BRs and the people I best-read to, to know I am not reaching my e-mail lately. I can see they sent me messages but I cant e-mail them or read them.

i hope it is just a moment thing... I miss my hotmail frown

If you see any of the other girls around, please tell them i can only be reached by gmail.

Thanks laugh
Sorry your email's not working Erica. frown

But... I just had to second what Liz said...

goofy )
Er...no. This is a completely other CC. Not our CC. This is a...Stargate CC...that's it. Yes.

Okay? Did that clear that up? goofy

LabRat smile
A Stargate CC? Either way... Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic! laugh
Labby... what is exactly a Stargate CC? hyper
Oh dear! I hope everything gets fixed soon.

I just started BRing about 30 min ago and I'm having a hard time frown My vocabulary is going out the window (too much time dealing with taxes).

I'll try my best to get it done this weekend. (*crosses fingers* that nothing goes wrong this weekend.)
(who is pateintly awaiting a certain epic from a certain dog... want me to kick your muse?
ARGH she needs to be jailed... this muse of mine. 'Writing in the dark' is the hardest thing to do. So, i'm waiting a little bit so my 'precious' busy BRs can catch up.

Sara, I hope to be releasing the trailer some time during february, but I cant promise. blush

Believe when I am more anxious than you... this thing never ends!!! razz )
Labby... what is exactly a Stargate CC?
Jose, if I told you that...I'd have to shoot you. goofy
I'll try my best to get it done this weekend. (*crosses fingers* that nothing goes wrong this weekend.)
Ah! I'm having such a hard time with this chapter. I'm trying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whinging smile
Er.. Roo, Does this mean the chapter sucks?
No. I read it first b/c I want to know what happens! LOL.

I'm at a loss ... about how you are going to end it. My imagination is pathetic - to put it in a nice way.

I just don't know how to word stuff.
I sent the e-mail two days ago. Did you get it?????????????
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