Lois & Clark Forums
theres a reason this is pg13+...

1. I belive theres a chatline or something, I was wondering if I can get the link and when I should visit?

2. how can Superman "do the wacky"(Buffy talk)with Lois? wouldn't he hurt her? can he even "do the wacky"?

3. a lot of fanfictions explore the possibility of Superman/Clark and Lois haveing a kid or two. but what do the comics say? could Lois even handle haveing Clarks baby? I mean would she suddenly be able to float or something strange like that?
IRC help

That links helps you with the basics smile

Jose smile1
Originally posted by astra5624:
2. how can Superman "do the wacky"(Buffy talk)with Lois? wouldn't he hurt her? can he even "do the wacky"?
"Do the wacky" laugh

I don't see why he couldn't "do the wacky". As long as all the "wacky"ing parts worked.

As for safety - Well, I always assumed that some amount of conscious effort had to go into all of his super feats - flying, super strength, heat vision, etc.

It appears that he needs to concentrate, and occassionally he appears to struggle when he's doing super stuff - see DC "contemplative/concentrating face" :p

Besides, it's easier to imagine that than him having to consciously control himself all of the time instead of the 10% of time he's being "super".
So when he's "do(ing) the wacky" his conscious attention would be directed elsewhere - i.e. on the "wacky" and he wouldn't inadvertantly hurt Lois... although, his reflexes seem to be super, so perhaps during his moment of glory - a reflex in and of itself - he's a little more potent than the average male.

It would depend on the level of simultaneous parasympathetic stimulation and sympathetic stimulation at the point of... glory. Though, parasympathetic stimulation is dominant at that point - believed to be what triggers that point actually, and it is the "rest and digest" side of the autonomic nervous system, so who knows... yes, I'll shut up now dizzy
I do have theories about Clark having sex with Lois and why he is able to do it. I think there was a thread in the fanfic related recently that either talked about his ability to father children or the origin of his superpowers. In short, I believe he can have sex with Lois without too much trouble -- his mechanics probably work correctly, because all of his other bodily functions seem normal. I agree that his climax might be at "super strength", but again that may or may not hurt Lois. As for his having children, I believe that if most of his genetic make-up is similar to a human, with some superpower-mutations, he might be able to have children with just some simple modifications (engineering solutions). I can think of a few fanfics that explore this aspect.

- Laura (totally sympathizing with David -- I have class in 20 minutes . . . and while I am not a "science student", I am a biomedical engineer smile )
You'll find plenty of stories on the Archive where authors have found ways around any potential problems Clark might have.

Especially among the older fanfics - it was a source of intense fascination for authors at one point. goofy Lois using kryptonite in various fashions to 'pacify' Clark's powers was often a popular solution.

And, of course, Larry Niven infamously wrote about the dire problems our favourite couple might endure in his Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex. wink I'd link to it, but it's waaaaaaaaaay beyond PG13. It's very easy to find through Google though. Don't say you weren't warned as to content if you go looking. laugh

Many authors also saw Niven's piece as a challenge to get around and it sparked off a few stories, too.

And then there's what the nfic authors did with it...but that's a whole other story. And one for another folder, too.

LabRat smile
eek Oh my goodness, LabRat! That article had me giggling, laughing, gasping, and my eyes popping out! The part about what could potentially happen to Lois was just disturbing, and I find it hilarious that he'd refer to Clark's...little soldiers as 'such beasties'! dizzy Oh dear. Mercy, mercy me.

This is a must read, everyone, but it's definitely not for the faint of heart. It was interesting! Thanks for the reference, LabRat!

But...*sigh* the optimistic pacifist in me just likes to think that they can 'do the wacky', have babies (superbabies!) and anything else they want the good ol' fashioned, normal (at least on Earth) way without much conflict! I guess this is subjective. I don't really agree with the whole idea of subjecting Clark to kryptonite during the act though, because I mean, unless if he was into S&M, who'd want to be in pain? It wouldn't be completely enjoyable, and it just seems so cruel to me.

Anyway, since Lois and Clark are so attracted to each other, they must be able to do it. And since they've been married so long without any apparent problems, I'm guessing that it works for them!

Cool thread, astra, interesting topic!

In the show, they got married and did the wacky without any apparent problems - physically speaking, that is. (There was that small complication with Tempus, but I won't mention the S word in case some people - you know who you are - get upset. evil )

So L&C fanfic authors, at least, don't have to worry about the sex part. Procreation is still wide open to interpretation - some authors say it can't happen, others (me included) have assumed it will be perfectly straightforward, and some take the middle ground and say it needs technological intervention. Take your pick. smile

I loved the stories that cropped up after Season Four with explanations for the baby.

From having cycles to having to go into a deep sleep, there's a lot of great reading!
As this seems to have become more about Lois and Clark than chat channels, I'm going to move it into the Lois and Clark folder where it should get more readers. (A lot of our members don't often check out the OT folder and they're missing out on a good thread here. smile )

Actually, strike that. Moving it to Fanfic Related. I know it's kind of borderline - straddling both folders <g>, but on balance there seems to be more about how the problem is dealt with in fanfic than not, so...

LabRat smile
thanks folks, and thanks for the links smile chat with you all later
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