Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sorcha The Art of Shaving - 10/25/04 11:03 AM
Okay... I'm aware that this question might seem a little... strange, but rest assured - it will be relevant to Lois and Clark, somewhere, someday <g>.

My question is... say a guy had a moustache and he wanted to get rid of it. Ahm... how would he go about such a venture? Would he need to cut off most of it before doing the thing with the razor and foam? Would the thing with the razor and foam actually *work*? And... would he need to put on aftershave afterwards? And heck, while I'm at it - what in the *world* is aftershave for, anyway? <g> I grew up with guys in the house, but none of them have ever had a moustache, and somehow this question gave rise to a lot of ribbing and teasing and general suspicion about my motives... so I'd really prefer not to feed the rumour mill, as it it were :rolleyes: This is of pretty big importance [I know, I know, but humour me goofy ] in something I'm writing, though, so any help would be greatly appreciated...?

Sara [forseeing a lot of raised eyebrows... spider ]
Posted By: kmar Re: The Art of Shaving - 10/25/04 02:26 PM
Ok I'm not a guy but I watched someone shave off a beard before. He cut it really short with scissors first before he shaved it off. I never asked why but I would assume it was because the long hair would gum up the razor. This I get from having a rash on my leg for several months. When I could finally shave them the hair gummed up the razor. As for aftershave I believe it is to help close the pores. But I won't swear to that.
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: The Art of Shaving - 10/25/04 07:28 PM

Found this.

The beard, shaving, Razors, etc.

How can I get a close shave

MAF blush
Posted By: jwb Re: The Art of Shaving - 10/26/04 07:30 AM
Well, I've never grown a mustache or beard, but I've seen other guys cut theirs off, and yes, they trim it down with scissors or whatever, first to get it short, and then shave.

I don't know the technical details, but if I don't use aftershave, my face burns and stings all day long, and I usually look like I have a rash. Doesn't happen when I use aftershave. Depending on the aftershave, it can give you a healthy sting right when you put it on. Think of the first home alone movie, where the little kids slaps on some aftershave... smile
Posted By: Sorcha Re: The Art of Shaving - 10/27/04 12:41 PM
Thanks so much, kmar, Maria and Jeff!!! This is exactly what I needed - that's another scene out of the way. Much, much appreciated!!!!! smile1
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