Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LNCroxmysox FFQ: Cars & Seating - 08/06/04 07:53 PM
I need the name/brand/year of an a car from the 80s or early 90s (not a station wagon!) that would have three seats in the front, or one long seat, but three seatbelts.

If you happen to own or have owned a car like this, please just throw out a name, like "1981 Chevy Whatever." I just want to make sure there are three seats in the front of whatever car I name. Thanks!
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FFQ: Cars & Seating - 08/06/04 08:59 PM

This is not going to help but here it is.

When I was in college I had a Dodge Dart (don't remenber the year sorry) it had a front bench, top split and was to door car.

I remenber my mother had a malibu, front bench. huh

MAF huh
Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: FFQ: Cars & Seating - 08/06/04 09:45 PM
My mom used to drive a 1992 Oldsmobile Cutlas Sierra -- it had a bench seat in the front with 3 seatbelts. She just got rid of it last year for another bench seat car the 2003 Chevy Impala. The Cutlass was probably one of the most popular cars of the early 90's. A lot of my relatives had them.

When I was a kid, my dad drove the 1984 Plymouth Reliant K a horrible boxy car with a bench seat in front -- the most horrible car ever made -- but he had it until I got my drivers license in 1996 and I convinced him to buy me a new car instead of make me drive a car made in 1984 wink .

Yeah, I certainly don't miss either of those cars.

- Laura
Posted By: jwb Re: FFQ: Cars & Seating - 08/09/04 06:01 AM
A Ford Crown Victoria had bench seats. I think it still does. I miss bench seats.
Posted By: LNCroxmysox Re: FFQ: Cars & Seating - 08/09/04 02:12 PM
Thanks, everyone. smile

I'm glad to hear a lot of cars had bench seats, which is what I need. So many choices! Hmmm, what to use...?
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