Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kaylle FFQ: Martha and Jonathan in TEHI - 08/17/03 05:43 PM
Okay, I'm too lazy to go downstairs and find my tape, so I'm hoping someone will know the answer to this one. Now, I'd have sworn the senior Kents were in The Eyes Have It, but I looked in Zoomway's episode guides and there's no mention of them. I know they were in town in Chi of Steel but were gone by The Phoenix, which means they left either just before or just after TEHI.

It's possible they weren't mentioned in the episode guide because they played a minor part... Anyone know for sure?

Kaylle (with apologies for bad typing, as her computer is temporarily on the floor of her living room and she has to lay propped up to type...)
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FFQ: Martha and Jonathan in TEHI - 08/17/03 06:28 PM
Hi Kaylle,

Yeah, the senior Kents were in TEHI. Clark ventured out to a payphone to call them, and they showed up a little while later. Clark was dressed as Superman (since Superman was officially the one who was blinded) and Lois was in the room when they showed up, but Jonathan quickly took Lois out on a shopping trip so that Martha could comfort Clark. I always thought that was a very poignant moment, when Martha must really want to give Clark a hug, but she can't...

Here's Christiane's page for it: http://www.iph-grenzdyck.de/christiane/lnc02/02-12a.html

Posted By: daneel Re: FFQ: Martha and Jonathan in TEHI - 08/18/03 09:40 AM
In that episode the Kents meet Mayson too...

Jose hyper

P.S. Kaylle, the figure in your avatar is Demona?
Posted By: Kaylle Re: FFQ: Martha and Jonathan in TEHI - 08/19/03 10:11 PM
Thanks, Pam, Daneel! That's pretty much how I remembered the episode going; I just didn't trust my memory over the online guide <g> Now, having the right information, we'll see what I can come up with as far as fanfic goes wink

Thanks again,
Kaylle smile

P.S. Yes, Daneel, it's a scan of a Demona "shadowfighter" card smile She's not my favorite character, but I just love that silhouette...
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