Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR FDK - Dreaming (1/1) - 02/11/12 12:46 AM
I wrote this story in 1990s while in college. I tried to use it for the jumping off point for what ending up being my L&C Story Once Upon A Dream... . It didn't really work. But, live and learn. I put it down as a writing exercise.

I think the original story stands on its own though. I hope you enjoyed it.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK - Dreaming (1/1) - 02/15/12 12:09 PM
Cute, WAFFy little tale! I liked it. I see where you diverged from it with thw LnC version~ probably best, too, since I cant quite see Perry making Lois read Clark her dreams without sustaining some damage.

Good job, though! Lots of fun & worked alone laugh
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK - Dreaming (1/1) - 02/15/12 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Mouserocks:
Cute, WAFFy little tale! I liked it. I see where you diverged from it with thw LnC version~ probably best, too, since I cant quite see Perry making Lois read Clark her dreams without sustaining some damage.

Good job, though! Lots of fun & worked alone laugh
Thank you. I always liked this story. (Probably because I never got the courage to tell my crush how much I liked him... hence why disclosure is so prominent / important in my stories. The what-if quality of non-closure is torture.)

No, Perry making her share her dreams with the bullpen laugh was never a consideration for Once Upon A Dream..., I was going more for the what if Clark discovered Lois liked him by accidentally reading her dream journal. But then you throw in Superman and how Clark would feel guilty over reading Lois's private journal, etc. dizzy It wasn't a perfect fit, but I think I scraped together a decent story with some laughs at least. wink
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: FDK - Dreaming (1/1) - 02/15/12 02:54 PM
laugh That it did. wink
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