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Posted By: Nan FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 05/18/08 08:54 PM
In the interest of keeping all the fdk together for the story, since there aren't that many readers, I'm starting this thread.

Posted By: Keladry Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 05/19/08 08:54 AM
party Another Nan story is up!
I was going through Nan fic withdrawal. grovel

hyper Yes! More Terran Underground! hyper

Nice opening, lulling the reader into thinking that this is might be just a normal little operation. Then, you go in for the kill. you get a chase scene, then a last minute rescue followed by a sudden reversal. And then, to top it all off, a BIG reversal!

Hope this one is a long one...

Posted By: Keladry Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 05/20/08 08:51 AM
Part 2:
cat NO! You can't leave it there! Get back here with the story.
Please? grovel

Looks like the Underground underestimated Alan again. <eg>

Good for Dr. Mishamoto. That took guts. laugh

Part 2
Oh, so this is that story hyper !

I so glad you decided to post this one. It is referenced in later stories, which you posted first, and I've always wondered about the exact details of Kaley's BIG mistake.

Parts 3 & 4

Good to know that some of the academy graduates knows where their loyalties should lie...

Phil seemed to be convinced awfully easy, but then again, he is still recovering from a stun bolt and has had several first hand encounters with people that suddenly had a personality transplant.

Somehow, I don't think Alan being an Empath would stop him from killing everyone he promised to kill. I'm surprised that some of the pre-cogs didn't get a nod on this and try and warn him.

Just how long, roughly, is Two Giants for David?

Also, was wondering what the chances of Awakenings and Rite of Passage being next on your list(like you have nothing better to do.)

Sorry to hear about the mass transit problem you are encountering due to the gas crunch (and yes, I am old enough to remember when that was first coined...)

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 05/27/08 12:36 PM
We're a little less than a quarter through the story.

Remember, this is one of the earlier stories. The command ranks of the Terran Underground has, up until this story, not really understood the nuts and bolts of a psychic link. None of the High Command is a psychic and, to them, the seriousness of the loss of a psychic partner simply didn't register as much more than the loss of a spouse -- sad, but only important to the people directly involved. This incident brings the subject up front and center for the first time.

Posted By: Keladry Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 05/28/08 01:04 PM
Part 5:

Panic raced through Alan. He had to locate the source of the danger, or his partner would die within a very few minutes.
Man you sure know how to drop a cliff hanger.

Have I mention recently that you are evil?

More soon? grovel

Part 5 & 6:

I could have sworn that Zimmerman was used in another of your stories, but I searched and didn't find anything.

Was there another 'trol that started with a Z that I could be confusing him with? Something involving a mine and meeting up with Alan before.

Man, I really feel sorry for Kaley right now. Hope to see more of the reaction on Lavirra.

Also, in part 6, I noticed one typo or at least it reads odd to me.

It won't be us that kill Major Linley.

After reading it again, I can see how it reads grammatically correct, but it just sounds odd.

Maybe I just need my morning shot of caffiene...

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 05/29/08 03:45 PM
The only mine was The Mines of Kuloghi. The only 'trol who was important in that one was Edgebastion, and he'd never met Alan before. There was also Fishbine, whom they rescued. There was also the Arcturian, who was a prisoner, Vallir, who is Dannar's brother.

You might be thinking of Patrolman Murphy, who makes his first appearance in Two Giants, and who makes several other appearances in later stories, including Mind Link and Child's Play.

Murphy could be it.

Man, what an unfortunate man to be a 'trol that keeps encountering Alan. Must be a Law or something.

Posted By: sheilah Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 05/29/08 08:37 PM
I thought James was recalling that guy who was a bad guy psychic who kidnapped Alan. I recall lots and lots of rain, and the guy's name started with Z.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 05/29/08 10:24 PM
Maybe that was it. That was Zuccherman, in Mind Link.

Originally posted by Nan:
Maybe that was it. That was Zuccherman, in Mind Link.

Sheila Harper you are the Dudette! thumbsup
And I am very interested in reading your original stories as well, so keep us informed (maybe even share some on this board)

Yes, it was Zuccherman!


James, who will never tire of telling Nan that she should sell these stories later. She could make buck$!
I wondered where Kurt came in...

I nearly spewed cereal when I read

Little mild-mannered Alan Westover, the Clark Kent of the Academy, suddenly throws off his tweeds and Superman emerges with biceps rolling."
Now, tell me, was this in the original or did you add it after you fell in love with LnC?

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/03/08 11:19 AM
Sheila asked me pretty much the same thing.

Linda wrote the first draft of this story, from an outline that I wrote, and she wrote that line in 1980. I thought it was a great line and didn't edit it out when I did the second draft.

Both of us were fans of Superman as kids, and that's why the line was written. <g>

Part 8:

Note to self: Never, ever make Alan mad...

See, now the Jil's think that empathy is a weakness. They obviously don't have psychic partners or they would understand that empathy doesn't mean squat, at times.

I realize that empathy is rare among Jils. I would guess that it got breed out of them.

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/10/08 11:44 AM
Wow, catching up here... this is intense, Nan, and I'm loving it. Like James said, I've wondered about Kaley's big mistake. Though I have to give him credit; in the face of overwhelming evidence he was able to change his mind and back down. Some people's egos would kick in then, making things very bitter and messy. Glad that didn't happen.

I'm really enjoying all the non-help help Alan is getting from the crew. "If I were you, I'd take off the nametag." LOL

So what's next? And how does Kaley ever persuade Alan to come back into the TU? I know that he does, eventually... he must grovel well. It probably helps that he reversed his policy and sent Alan some backup.

I have to say that this is one of the most violent stories I can remember of all the TU stories. At least on-screen violent.

It really gives us view of Alan that we normally don't see and we see the depth of the link between psychic partners.

Elisabeth and I are currently reading Outlaw and my, has Alan changed in less than three years!

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/11/08 11:55 AM
Alan hasn't changed that much. It's just that his partner is in serious danger and Alan is the only one who can save him. He doesn't have the Underground to help and he's on his own. Remember that a psychic will protect his partner at all costs so, for Alan, all bets are off.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.

I didn't mean changed as in personality, but changed as in training. He was a wet-behind-the-ears cadet when we first meet him and in this story, he seems very confident and take charge.

Of course, a lot of that has to do with hime trying to save his partner.

btw, them jumping out into the hyperspace stream isn't going to be a walk in the park, is it?

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/17/08 07:10 AM
I read part 10 a few days ago, but forgot to comment. Sorry, Nan. This continues to be excellent. I'm glad everyone got back to Lavirra safely, even if tensions are still running high.

Okay, so when's part 11? laugh

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/17/08 07:58 PM
That was quick laugh Thanks!

Boy, I tell ya, I do *not* want to get on Major Westover's bad side. He's nowhere near as young and harmless as he looks.

I can't remember, but isn't there a later story where Kaley is caught, and Alan & Mark go after him? I'll have to re-read it, now that I know some important background.

Your ability to create (co-create, in this case) an incredibly detailed universe leaves me somewhat in awe. Thanks for sharing.

Posted By: StarKat Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/17/08 10:44 PM
You're thinking of Toomelli's Moon. That actually happened about a year before Two Giants for David.

Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/17/08 10:46 PM
Actually, that was Toomelli's Moon, which is earlier than Two Giants.

But yes, a psychic trying to save his partner is about as harmless as a cobra -- and an irritated one at that laugh -- which is something Kaley found out the hard way.

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/18/08 10:13 AM
Okay, thanks for the tip. Puts a little different spin on it if this was *before* Kaley crossed them. Still, I'll probably re-read. smile Come to think of it, instead of re-reading in random fashion, I should probably go to the timeline James keeps up, and just start at the beginning and read 'em all in chronological order. 'Cause I don't have a job or a family or a real life at all :rolleyes:

Originally posted by ChiefPam:
Come to think of it, instead of re-reading in random fashion, I should probably go to the timeline James keeps up, and just start at the beginning and read 'em all in chronological order. 'Cause I don't have a job or a family or a real life at all :rolleyes:

That's what Elisabeth and I are doing now. It is sooo hard not to let things slip to her, at least the important things.

She doesn't leave feed back on these, but she is enjoying reading it to me.

Originally posted by ChiefPam:
Come to think of it, instead of re-reading in random fashion, I should probably go to the timeline James keeps up, and just start at the beginning and read 'em all in chronological order. 'Cause I don't have a job or a family or a real life at all :rolleyes:

That's what Elisabeth and I are doing now. It is sooo hard not to let things slip to her, at least the important things.

She doesn't leave feed back on these, but she is enjoying reading it to me.


PS, did I mention that Rite of Passage would be a good one to work on next or maybe Awakenings grovel
Posted By: StarKat Re: FDK: Two Giants for David -- all parts - 06/18/08 04:27 PM
Personally, as one who's read a bunch of the ones no one else here has seen yet, I'd like to see Wonderland Revisited. evil It's a funny one laugh

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