Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mister Data I'm missing my NanFic... - 08/09/07 06:03 AM
I know things have been difficult with RL. Trust me, I can sort of empathize.

I was just wondering if you could give us a ball-park figure on when we might see something from you again?

Posted By: Nan Re: I'm missing my NanFic... - 08/09/07 06:16 AM
I'm hesitating between two stories. I have a couple of upcoming obligations that need to be taken care of -- a wedding to attend at the end of the month, for one, that is going to require a road trip to Colorado to see my sister's daughter married. Hopefully after that things will quiet down a bit and get back closer to normal.

Posted By: Mister Data Re: I'm missing my NanFic... - 08/09/07 06:48 AM
Sweet! A wedding! I hope you have a great time.

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: I'm missing my NanFic... - 08/18/07 07:34 PM
Oh, I can't wait to tell him that another Terran underground is being started! smile1 smile1 It'll be the end of a great day.

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: I'm missing my NanFic... - 09/09/07 06:58 PM
If you wanted to write a brand new Terran Underground story for NaNoWriMo , I wouldn't mind too much. laugh

Posted By: Nan Re: I'm missing my NanFic... - 09/09/07 07:49 PM
Lol, Elizabeth. Actually I have an earlier one that I'm typing up right now, and another book length one that Linda did most of the work on with only minor help from me. When "Blind Mission" is typed and edited, I'm going to post it to keep James happy <g> while I work on typing and editing "The Reluctant Pirate" featuring Lord Blashvor, the pirate Jil. The copy I found is an old Xerox and some of the pages are almost illegible. It's lucky I got hold of it now before it couldn't be read at all.

Posted By: Mister Data Re: I'm missing my NanFic... - 09/09/07 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Nan:
Lol, Elizabeth. Actually I have an earlier one that I'm typing up right now, and another book length one that Linda did most of the work on with only minor help from me. When "Blind Mission" is typed and edited, I'm going to post it to keep James happy <g> while I work on typing and editing "The Reluctant Pirate" featuring Lord Blashvor, the pirate Jil.

Ah, two more stories, be still my reading eyes...

So, in other words, Fat Chance on writing something totally new for this year's NaNoWriMo?

Maybe next year? I mean, how can you resist? It even has your name in it. In fact, if you read it just right, NaNoWriMo could stand for Nan O(please) Wri(te) Mo(re)...

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