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Posted By: Nan Toomelli's Moon: 4/? - 08/02/06 12:50 PM
Toomelli's Moon: 4/?
by Nancy Smith and Linda Garrick


The stolen aircar went slowly toward the Drevelle Patrol Station. As they approached the gate, Dannar lowered them to the ground and a sentry waved them casually through. Mark, who was very familiar with the base, directed the Arcturian toward a parking area, and the car settled into a corner spot at some distance from the Security Building. They glanced at each other.

"Hmm." Mark squinted at Dannar's nameplate. "Hope no one looks at you too closely."

"Why? I am sure zere are ozzer Arcturians at ziss station."

"That's what I'm afraid of. A Terran might not notice, but any Arcturian that sees you runnin' around with 'Patrolman Samuel Johnson' on your nameplate is gonna smell a rat."

"I do not understand," Dannar said. "What iss a rat?"

"Never mind. Let's go."

"Ah, I ssee," Dannar said, opening his door. "It iss a human expression. I will be careful."

They got out of the car and started across the lot. A patrolman passed them, saluting Mark sharply. Linley returned the salute. "My my, they are a spit and polish bunch, ain't they? I'd forgotten. Poor old Patrolman Johnson says Kaley's in the brig under triple guard. Let's go see."

The brig was on the sixth floor of the Security Building, armored and heavily guarded. As soon as they stepped off the lift, Mark could see that there was no chance of their being able to penetrate the prison section under present circumstances. They turned reluctantly away from the entrance and as they did so, a Jilectan passed them, heading for the closed doors. He spoke sharply to a guard, who turned to press a button on the wall. The panels slid open and the alien vanished inside.

Mark and Dannar retreated down a corridor and entered a restroom crowded with patrolmen. Not a good place to discuss matters, Mark decided, so he washed his hands and went out. Dannar followed close beside him, calm and unruffled.

"Any ideas?" Mark whispered.

The prison doors opened again and the Jilectan emerged. Behind him walked two guards, and between them ...

Mark's heart skipped a beat.


His commanding officer appeared unharmed. He walked erect, although his hands were cuffed behind him with restrainers. He stared straight ahead, his face composed. Mark couldn't help but admire him.

Mark and Dannar waited until Kaley had passed and followed. Three more patrolmen joined them, flanking Kaley as they left the prison area. The party entered the lift and Mark and Dannar dared not follow. Impatiently, they watched the numbers above the door flash and finally come to rest on the first level indicator. Linley stepped into the sensor field, and a moment later another lift arrived. He gritted his teeth as half a dozen men entered after them, pressing the indicator for various floors. They proceeded slowly downward.

No one seemed to be in a hurry. One of the men paused while exiting on the second level, speaking to another patrolman remaining in the elevator. Mark quelled the urge to throttle him and stood still.

At last, one of the other passengers became impatient and snarled something at him. The patrolman growled an epithet at the other and went out. The doors slid shut and they proceeded downward once more.

Mark and Dannar disembarked on the first level. Linley glanced around and his heart jerked.

Kaley was standing only half a dozen meters away, still surrounded by guards. The Jilectan stood close by, speaking to another of his species. Mark swallowed. The newcomer was Duke Halthzor.

Linley saw Dannar glance at him and turned discreetly away. The Arcturian moved with him. "What iss ze matter?"

"Halthzor," Mark said.

The Arcturian tensed slightly.

"My shieldin' ain't so good," Mark elaborated. "I don't dare get too near a Jil, especially one like Halthzor. You'll have t'do the eavesdroppin'."

Dannar nodded in a matter-of-fact manner and moved away. Mark stood alone beside the wall, trying to look as if he belonged and watching the Arcturian.

Dannar looked completely at ease as he strode discreetly past the two aliens and seated himself before a computer terminal. The alien's jointless fingers flew over the touch board as he called up some piece of information. Linley waited, not moving. He could just hear the strangely soft voices of the Jilectans over the babble of voices in the lobby. Halthzor was taller than his companion by perhaps five centimeters, but their hair color was identical -- a bright, coppery orange in the overhead lighting. Kaley stood still between his captors, not looking at them.

The aliens moved abruptly, placing both hands on each other's shoulders in what Mark recognized instantly as the Jilectan equivalent of a Terran embrace. He pursed his lips in a soundless whistle. Jilectans were not a demonstrative species, even with one another. The embrace could signify only one thing. These two were kindred -- close kindred.

The aliens' foreheads touched briefly and then parted. Halthzor turned and strode away. The other Jilectan watched him go and then spoke to the patrolmen again. They marched toward the main entrance, following the alien closely. At that moment, Dannar apparently finished his research and closed his program. He jotted something down on his pocket notebook, tucked it in his pouch, got to his feet and strolled after the Jilectan. Mark was beside him a few seconds later.

They went out the main entrance, thirty paces behind the prisoner escort and descended a short flight of steps. The Jilectan's aircar was waiting and the patrolmen pushed Kaley into the rear of the vehicle and then crowded in on both sides of him. The car moved away from Mark and Dannar, across the compound.

"Do not worry," Dannar said. "I know where zey are going. Ziss way."

"What's happening?" Mark asked, speaking Arcturian for convenience as well as the fact that most patrolmen didn't speak it. It made it less likely that anyone would overhear what he shouldn't.

Dannar's teeth showed in a toothy Arcturian grin but he didn't turn his head as he replied. "Ze Shilectan esscorting Kaley is Lord Valzzor. He iss close kin to Halzzor but I am unsure of ze exact relationship. Zey are now heading for ze landing field, where zere iss a battlecruiser waiting. It iss due to depart in two hourss."

"M'lord's goin' with them?" Mark asked.


Linley cursed softly. "That's gonna make it harder. Dammitall -- but I guess I'm not really surprised. With a prisoner as important as Kaley, they'd be sure to send along a Jil to make sure everything goes right."

"Zere iss ze landing field, and zey are shust boarding --" Dannar's words cut off abruptly as Mark stopped short. "What iss wrong?"

Mark stared resignedly at the battlecruiser. "Dammitall!"


"That's the 'Wolverine' -- my old battlecruiser -- that they just boarded. I was in command o' that ship for a year!" Linley bit his lip. "That's gonna make it a lot harder. A lot of those men'll know me personally -- not just from wanted posters."

Dannar was silent. Mark swore under his breath. "Okay, listen. We gotta get aboard her somehow. Alan ain't gonna like it, but there's no help for it."

Dannar nodded. Mark started to speak when a jolt of panic and the sound of Alan's voice yelling his name cut off what he was going to say. "Alan!" he whispered.

"What iss it?" Dannar asked.

"Holy space! The kid's in trouble. You stay here, Dan. I'll meetcha back here as soon as I can!" Linley broke into a run toward the lot where they had left the aircar.


Alan stood quietly in the doorway. He knew he couldn't wait much longer, but he quailed at the thought of going out onto the streets again. Here in the doorway he was safe from the aliens' prying eyes, but the street where he was supposed to meet Mark and Dannar was no more than a kilometer distant. Surely he'd be able to avoid attention for the short time it would take him to get there.

He glanced at his chronometer. Forty-five minutes had passed since Mark and Dannar had dropped him off in these treacherous streets. The sun was shining brightly and the air was warm. The Jilectans preferred planets with warm climates.

The Terran that he had seen before was returning. The man glanced at him with more interest. "You've been here for some time, haven't you? May I help you?"

"No thanks," Alan said. "I think my girl stood me up."

The man made a commiserating face and went through the door. Alan took a deep breath and glanced out. A Jilectan was coming down the walk toward him and he waited until the alien had passed. All clear. Very carefully, he stepped out onto the walk and headed down the block toward the rendezvous.

He reached the end of the block and turned left. As he did so, the tall figure of a Jilectan loomed toward him. He leaped sideways, colliding with another of the aliens who must have been walking two or three paces behind the first. He staggered backwards and sat down hard in the gutter, his ears ringing with the impact. Both Jilectans stopped.

Alan didn't dare look up. Keeping his eyes lowered, he got to his feet, his head still spinning a little. "I -- I beg your pardon, M'lord."

One of the aliens laughed lightly and a hand cupped beneath his chin, bringing his face up. Alan looked into the cool, aristocratic features of a Jilectan Lady, her platinum hair arranged elegantly around her smooth, ageless face. Beside her was another Lady, her flaming red hair done in curls over her shoulders and bound back from her forehead with jeweled clips.

Alan closed his eyes. He was dead. He had committed the unpardonable sin of touching a Lady. He knew that the Jilectan Lords regarded their wives as inviolate and pure, and for a Terran to touch one was considered a contamination.

"Look at me, Terran."

Alan opened his eyes, waiting for the death blow to be administered. Both Ladies, however, were watching him with amused smiles on their faces. A Terran came around the corner, observed the scene, and ran. Alan swallowed. "I'm terribly sorry, M'lady," he said.

The Lady let him go and took a step forward. Alan took a step back, trying to avoid further physical contact with her. If he was observed by a male, he was done for.

"Do I know you, Terran?" the Lady inquired.

Alan swallowed. "I don't think so, M'lady," he said. His voice shook.

The other Lady came forward, smiling. The gown she wore was open at the throat and a great red jewel gleamed against the pallor of her skin. She placed a hand on his head, running her fingers gently through the curls, and glanced at her companion.

"I like him," she said.

The other Lady's glance swept over him. "He's rather short."

Alan flattened himself against the building, feeling heat flood his face. The red-haired Lady continued to stroke his head. "What is your name?" she inquired.

"Arthur," he stammered. "Arthur Woodruff."

Her smile broadened, revealing white, perfect teeth. "Such funny little names you Terrans have!" She glanced at her companion again. "I like them short. The less like M'lord, the better."

The platinum-haired Lady smiled, too. "Ah, yes!" She stepped up beside her companion, regarding Alan appraisingly. "He has pretty eyes."

"And nice hair," the redhead added. "I always like the ones with dark, curly hair."

Alan shrank back, his skin prickling. "Please let me go, M'lady. I'm sorry. I wouldn't have touched you on purpose for anything."

The redhead laughed softly, her fingers continuing to massage his scalp. "You wouldn't? Am I so repulsive to you, then?"

Alan felt the blood drain from his face. "No, M'lady, of course not. I think you're beautiful -- both of you. But I --"

The silver-haired lady laughed. "He is charming. So sweet and sincere." She reached out a hand toward him and stroked his cheek. Alan flinched slightly. What the dickens were they doing? How was he supposed to react?

The redhead reached into her bosom with her left hand, still keeping her right one on Alan's head, and withdrew a small, gilt-edged card. "I am Lady Rinthzill. This is my address. Come and see me tonight."

Alan stared at the card. "I -- I don't understand."

"What is there to understand? Come and see me tonight. I shall be most disappointed if you refuse."

Automatically, Alan accepted the card, staring at the Lady in confusion. A Jilectan Lord came around the corner.

The alien froze, staring at the scene before him. The red-haired Lady took her hand from Alan's head and straightened up, regarding the newcomer with faint amusement. "M'lord Frevanthvar, I believe?"

The Jilectan wasn't looking at the Ladies. His eyes were fixed on Alan, glittering faintly. "Do you know what the penalty is for a Terran who ventures to touch a Lady?" he inquired softly.

Alan lowered his eyes. "It was an accident, M'lord! I didn't see them!"

"Oh, let him alone, M'lord," Lady Rinthvill interjected. "He did not mean to, as he says. Besides, I like him, and I will be most unhappy if you harm him."

The Jilectan ignored her. He advanced another step toward Alan.

The silver-haired Lady placed a hand on the Jilectan's arm. "Please, M'lord." Her smile was dazzling.

He paused, his gaze flicking to the Lady. "If he had touched one of my wives, and your husband had observed it, I would consider it an insult if he did not exact retribution. I must --"

"Please, M'lord." Alan, himself, would have had trouble resisting the plea. "As a favor to me?"

The Jilectan glanced at Alan again, hesitating for a long moment. The Lady's fingers squeezed his arm. "Please?"

The Jilectan nodded sharply. "You may consider yourself fortunate, Terran." He caught Alan by the shoulder and gave him a cuff that sent him sprawling. "Get out of my sight."

Alan scrambled to his feet and ran.

He ran blindly, dodging Terrans and aliens alike. A figure loomed up before him and he tried to swerve, but the man moved with him. A pair of muscular arms seized him, and bundled him unceremoniously into an aircar.

"Hold it, kid! Take it easy!"

Alan went limp. "Mark!"

Mark let go. "Holy hell, kid, can'tcha stay outta trouble for ten minutes?"

"Mark, this city's crawling with Jils!"

"Yeah, I know. Didja get run over or somethin'?"

Alan nodded. "Where's Dan? Let's get out of here!"

Mark shook his head. "Can't. I gotta get back to the station."

Alan stared at him, forgetting the Jilectans. "You've found Kaley!"

"Yeah." Mark nodded. "We've found him but he's already aboard the ship that's gonna take him to Toomelli's Moon." He hesitated. "It's the 'Wolverine'."

Alan stared at him. "Mark, you'll be recognized!"

"I'll be careful. Now listen; you gotta get outta here. Head for the rendezvous point an' wait for Val an' Monty."

"But --"

"Listen, it's gotta be done, an' we ain't got much time. They're leavin' in an hour and fifty minutes."

"But, I want to go with you!"

"You're too little. Sorry. Besides, if you get killed, I may as well not bother goin' back to Lavirra. I'll be lynched if I do."

"But what if you're recognized?"

"I can take care of myself. Now you get goin'."

"I won't!"

"Yes you will. Move."

Alan stared at him in frustration. "Mark, I want to --"

Mark put an arm around his shoulders. "I'll be fine. Don't worry. Now get goin'." He patted Alan on the shoulder and opened the door for him. "Move it."

Alan climbed out miserably and watched the aircar lift off and head back toward the station. He took two steps in the other direction and paused, turning his head to look at the aircar again, just vanishing behind a building. He took a deep breath, turned, and started resolutely in the direction of the Patrol base.

It was time that Mark learned a few things about his partner.

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