Lois & Clark Forums
hyper hyper hyper hyper

yes. Yes. YES!

Thank you for posting this story!!!!!

At this point life is nuts, but I am printing it off as soon as I post this and will read it the very next moment I am not juggling 15 emails and two phone calls.

/self you should be reading it NOW!
/otherself I know, I know, but I just had to let Nan know I noticed this.
/self (sigh) ok, fine, but read it soon!
/otherself Deal!

James, who is now beside himself with joy!
Bear in mind that that I posted this after 2 AM. I'm going to go over it this morning and correct whatever errors I missed. You might want to re-copy it later when I've had a chance to read it over carefully.

Yeah, there were a few typos -- "poker ships" was one I noticed -- but who the heck cares? Finally we got this story! smile1 I was so excited as soon as I saw Alan's name, and it was very fun seeing the connection forming between him and Mark.

Thanks for posting it all at once, too -- I knew how it would all come out eventually, of course, but seeing it happen was the fun part smile

Looking forward to the next bit...

Thanks, Nan! smile

Well, I've been through it thoroughly, now that I'm fully awake, so hopefully I edited it sufficiently and caught most of the typos. The only time I had yesterday to work on it was after everyone had gone to bed, which explains why I missed so many things in the old manuscript. If you want to copy it now, it's in a lot better shape. Feel free to correct any errors you find in your own copies.

Nan, I was delighted when I saw Alan's name and realized it was his and Mark's story. Like the others, I knew how it would end out, but I had wanted to find out HOW it would happen. I only noticed two other typos: one that I forgot, and the other a "the" that should have been a "then."

I see how they both discovered that Alan was a psychic, but I wonder WHEN Mark realized that his ankle only hurt when Alan was scared.

Looking forward to the next part--maybe when they discover that they're psychic partners?
I was thrilled that I had 16 new condensed pages of Nan brilliance (actually, I was floored thud )

Not that I'm complaining, far from that, but why did you post the whole thing at once? Just curious.

I had this one on my computer already, courtesy of my daughter, Janine, who very kindly typed it up from a manuscript for me. It needed considerable re-writing and editing and a *lot* of proofing, but I finally figured out exactly how I wanted to present it. Since it was fairly short, especially compared to the Crystal Demon <g> I decided to post the whole thing for once.

Symbiote isn't as short, and will go up next, but since I have to type that from a manuscript, it's going to take a bit longer and go up in pieces.

Alright, Outlaw is up! laugh

I can see where you've changed thangs, and I think this works much better then before. thumbsup

So guess that I'll have to wait a little while before I can start begging for more, huh?

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thank you, Nan. smile
I've already told you privately what I think of this story.

Looking forward to Symbiote.

thud Can't..go..on nan fic withdrawl. thud

Save me, post Symbiote quickly.

Originally posted by Keladry:
thud Can't..go..on nan fic withdrawl. thud

Save me, post Symbiote quickly.

Funny, I was just thinking along those same lines yesterday... thud

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