Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Nan FDK Crystal Demon 23 - 07/14/05 03:31 PM
I suppose it was inevitable that people would lose interest in the story since I've taken so long to get the next parts up. If anyone is still interested, please let me know. It takes time and effort to type these things up. I've been swamped with babysitting Riley, dealing with nine feral kittens we found in our garage, and trying to re-furbish the house to get it ready for sale. I don't want to take up my time and the message board's space if no one is reading.

Posted By: Keladry Re: FDK Crystal Demon 23 - 07/14/05 04:44 PM
You can't stop posting these, whinging
keep posting please? notworthy

Posted By: docward Re: FDK Crystal Demon 23 - 07/14/05 08:27 PM
We may not be saying much, but I'm enjoying it greatly. Please keep it up.

Posted By: Onaleia Re: FDK Crystal Demon 23 - 07/14/05 09:19 PM
I'm reading and enjoying. I really appreciate your taking the time to share. Thank you.
Posted By: Mouse Re: FDK Crystal Demon 23 - 07/14/05 11:06 PM
Nan, I've never posted a comment on the message boards before about someone's story, but what you've written, about people losing interest in the story, and not wanting to take up the message boards space, has prompted me to come out of my hiding spot and post.

You are by far my favourite author, and I love reading your stories. One of my favourite relaxing times is sitting down to re-read (yet again) one of your stories while drinking a nice hot cup of tea and eating a double choc Tim-Tam. I love having a new post to look forward too, especially when life can get so hectic.

So if you can afford the time to type up your brilliant stories, please do. There are a lot of us hiding out on the boards, reading your work but not saying anything. So on behalf of all us 'mice' please keep posting.

Thanks for the great stories,
Mouse smile
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK Crystal Demon 23 - 07/15/05 01:16 AM
Okay, you've convinced me. With the lack of any comments, I was wondering if anyone was still interested. As I said, I didn't want to waste time and space if no one was reading, but since you are, I'll continue to post. Part 24 coming up.

Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK Crystal Demon 23 - 07/15/05 02:18 PM
I am still wanting to read these!!!!!

I have the last two..er three printed and waiting to be read, but I have a bit of a backlog on things, what with only working half days.

Yes, I know I have responded to other authors, but, truth be told, I'm saving yours for when I have a nice long stretch of time to read them and relax while doing it. Your writing is like good wine. It should be stored for special occasions and indulged shamelessly when opened.

I have my Nan pile and I am quite pleased that it is growing.

James, who really feels bad that he hasn't been responding to his favorite author and hopes that she will forgive him! grovel grovel grovel
Posted By: Onaleia Re: FDK Crystal Demon 23 - 07/16/05 01:36 AM
This is even more enjoyable when many parts are posted quickly and the momentum can gather a bit. Thank you again for taking the time to share.
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