Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: daneel FDK-The Crystal Demon: 1/? - 11/29/04 12:06 AM
Interesting premise!! thumbsup

Jose hyper
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK-The Crystal Demon: 1/? - 11/30/04 11:32 AM
YES!!!! More Terran Underground!!!!

I'll leave more comments when I actually read this one, but I KNOW I will not be disappointed.

All hail Nan !!!

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK-The Crystal Demon: 1/? - 12/01/04 09:07 AM
off to a good start... looking forward to more smile

Posted By: sheilah Re: FDK-The Crystal Demon: 1/? - 12/01/04 09:16 AM
Nan, I just spent the last 6 days getting caught up on all the Terran Underground fic you've posted here, which Is why I haven't gotten my own writing done.

This is really great. You should be looking for a publisher for this series. I haven't read this part of the Crystal Demon yet because I don't know if I can handle the time between parts after getting accustomed to just flipping to the next page for all the others. But I'll start giving you feedback on this one.

A few things: I really would like a timeline for all the parts you've posted, if you have one available. I noticed that James was asking you for copies of the completed stories, and I wondered if I could get them, too, please. And, finally, I need to know if you have written stories about some of the incidents mentioned as backstory: how Mark and Alan got together, how Mark and Julia got together, how Alan and Lyn got together, and how Alan rescued Mark and found Kevin. These were key moments in the characters' lives, and I hope you didn't just pass them off as backstory. Even if the stories are going to require a lot of revision, that's okay. I'd just like to know if they were written or not.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK-The Crystal Demon: 1/? - 12/01/04 10:07 AM
Hi Sheila,

Try emailing James for the timeline. I have it but it's all handwritten and it's pretty extensive. He's putting one together as we go.

I'll be glad to email you the stories that have been posted.

And yes, almost all of the incidents in the backstory are stories themselves. A very few exist only as plots that were never turned into stories, but there are only a couple of those. Mark and Alan's meeting is a story (Mercenary) but does require some revision. Ditto Mark and Julia, (Giant Killer) and the story where they met Kevin, which is called "Brother's Keeper". Alan's meeting with Lyn occurs in "The Crystal Demon", and happens a few chapters down the line <g>. There are also a lot of others which will be along in due time.

Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK-The Crystal Demon: 1/? - 12/01/04 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Nan:
Try emailing James for the timeline. I have it but it's all handwritten and it's pretty extensive. He's putting one together as we go.

Thanks to Nan and a little effort from me, we now have the Official Timeline for Nan Smith\'s & Linda Garrick\'s Terran Underground

As you can see, there is plenty more where this one comes from. Which means that we have several years worth of reading from Mrs. Smith.

At this time I would like to re-interate my request that Nan publish these stories once she has let us read them. (What! Why are you looking at me that way? Did you think I was a complete idiot?? No, don't answer that.)

I think she and Linda could make a pretty penny off of these stories. At least submit them to a sci fi magazine!

James, Offical Nan Smith Fic-o-phile
Posted By: sheilah Re: FDK-The Crystal Demon: 1/? - 12/01/04 06:04 PM
Thank you, Nan, and you, too, James. Wow, Nan! You have a lot of stories that aren't posted yet. I'm so pleased! hyper

Ah, I recognize the orange-sized pearl thing from the story with the centaur, wasn't it? So I have an inkling of what Mark and Alan are up against. Go Armageddon team 1!
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