Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mister Data FDK: Slave Race: 9 - 05/02/03 10:47 AM
shock Wow! Talk about edge-of-your-seat entertainment!

This is great stuff, Nan. You and Linda should publish this thing, if the rest is as good as the stuff we have read so far.

Posted By: Keladry Re: FDK: Slave Race: 9 - 05/02/03 08:18 PM
I've been telling her the same thing for years.

Posted By: Nethra Re: FDK: Slave Race: 9 - 05/04/03 04:19 AM
This is really great--thank you so much for posting this. One question occured to me--if the Jilectians are psychic, why do they need Terran psychics?

(who sometimes skims when she doesn't mean to, and may have missed the reason.)
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Slave Race: 9 - 05/04/03 07:46 AM
It's been discovered by the Jilectan pirates that Terran psychics are *better* and more versatile than Jilectans. This is also known, but not admitted, by the Jilectan government, as well, which is why they are trying to exterminate Terran psychics..

Posted By: Nethra Re: FDK: Slave Race: 9 - 05/05/03 12:31 PM

it all makes sense now.

(who is eagerly anticipating reading the next few parts...)
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