Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: EmilyH Memory Soup 15/15 - 05/02/03 06:36 AM
Part 15

After signing the contract to get the Copernicus back, they headed out to the forest because Kilroy needed to find Iriella. Silverclaw was the first to hear the Silver Siren's song amidst the trills and chirps of the native birds which fluttered through the tall trees that blocked out most of the sky.

"I hear her singing," the werewolf observed.

"Which direction is the sound coming from?" Hamlet, who was driving one of the all-terrain vehicles, asked.


Mud splattered everywhere as he sped up. As they approached, silence fell over the area like a shroud.

"Something isn't right," Silverclaw remarked, sniffing the air. "I sense a predator here."

"The mimic," Kilroy exclaimed.

"What's that?" Infinity asked.

"A creature Iriella described. It can imitate the sound of her voice to lure prey. It's very large and dangerous."

Hamlet, Kilroy and Horatio drew their blasters just as the formerly-camouflaged beast moved, revealing its presence. It was approximately twenty feet in front of them. With a roar, the large creature advanced. Sapphire-colored energy beams struck the mimic again and again from the blasters, but to no avail.

The creature swung a mighty appendage -- that was the only word that could be used to describe the long, furry arm-like thing with one big sharpened claw on the end -- and hit Hamlet's vehicle, knocking him down. Silverclaw snarled and leapt off the back seat, striking the mimic with her claws. Meanwhile, Kaladox recited a memorized phrase and managed to heal Hamlet's injuries. Infinity took a pot shot with her sling. She hit, but the rock did little damage.

Kilroy and the twins fired their blasters again. Kaladox took out his blade and tried to get close enough to hit, but the mimic struck him with one of its appendages. Infinity was about to use the vehicle's communication system and call for help, when the sound of a beautiful voice suddenly filled the air. It wasn't coming from the mimic, though. Through the dense foliage, Kilroy glimpsed a flash of silver. The beast stopped its attack and followed the sound of the music.

"What's she doing?" Horatio wondered.

"I don't know. Let's follow them," Hamlet said.

As they followed, it became clear that Iriella was leading the mimic towards the swamp. The sound of Nessie moving around could be heard quite clearly. The Silver Siren continued into the swamp, where the large creature known as Nessie reared her head.

"That's it," Iriella sang to the mimic. "Come closer."

Getting as close to Nessie as she dared, the Silver Siren waited until the mimic was within arm's length. Then she leapt into the air. Iriella did a double somersault in the air and landed on solid ground near the vehicles. As she did, Nessie roared loudly and rose, engulfing the mimic with water. Letting out a triumphant cry, the swamp creature submerged. Soon afterward, the water turned crimson. The mimic was never seen again after that.

"Hello," Iriella said.

"Thank you," Kilroy replied. "You've saved our lives. We're very grateful."

"It was the least I could do. You have given me hope that I might see my people again."

"Uh, yeah. About that…I just got my ship back."

"Back? It was missing?"

"It was 'borrowed.' I would like to leave tonight. If you can meet me, I would be happy to take you wherever you need to go."

"Certainly. Just tell me where and when."

Kilroy told her where to find his ship.

"I will see you there."


Infinity hoped that she did not look very disappointed. She had been hoping that Kilroy might stay, but now it was obvious that he wasn't going to. Perhaps he would return one day. She looked wistfully at him as they headed back to town.

* * * * *

After returning to the Galaxius home and packing, Kilroy realized that his artifact was still in his pocket. He took out the small gray metallic device and ran his fingers over its smooth surface, wondering what it was supposed to do. Suddenly, the black gemstone on top began to glow with an inner light. It swept through the room and kept expanding.

"What is happening?" Dominia asked, entering the bedroom. "What are you doing?"

"It's the artifact I found in the ruins. I don't know what it's doing."

"To be or not to be," Cosmo exclaimed loudly in the other room, "that is the question!" Suddenly, he hesitated. "Question? What question? Dominia, dear, what was I just talking about?"

The artifact's glow slowly faded.

"Can it be?" she wondered aloud in amazement. "Cosmo, is that you?"

"Of course. Who else would it be?" he asked.

Dominia laughed until tears streaked down her face. "Nobody else. Nobody at all." And she kissed him. "Hamlet, Horatio, where are you?"

"Here, Mother," Horatio responded. "What is it?"

"Your father remembers who he is."

"Really? How?"

"Kilroy mentioned an artifact."

"That was yours?" Horatio said in astonishment.

"Yeah," Kilroy answered. "I guess it does something after all."

"You can say that again," Hamlet replied. "Father, do you really remember everything?"

"Of course! Well, not everything…I can't remember what happened when I was three. But I remember darn near enough."

"This is wonderful! We ought to celebrate," Dominia said.

"What better way to celebrate than with Memory Soup?" Cosmo asked.

"Hopefully, you won't need any more of that," his wife answered.

* * * * *


* * * * *

The sun was just starting to set as Hamlet and Horatio drove Kilroy to the landing site. Infinity, Kaladox and Silverclaw were waiting to say goodbye. Iriella was also there. She was a living flame as her gown, flowing in the soft breeze, reflected the sunset colors.

"It has been an honor working with you," Kaladox said. "I am happy that your artifact did some good."

"My people have a saying," Silverclaw began. "True magic comes from the heart. Well, there is no magic like a good companion. Remain strong, and you will find your destiny."

Kilroy nodded. "Thank you."

Infinity felt tears welling up in her eyes. "I will miss you so much, Kilroy. Please stop by if you're ever in the galaxy."

"I will," he answered and gave her a quick kiss. She brightened considerably.

"It's been fun," Horatio said. "Take care."

"Thanks, I will."

"Have a good journey home," Hamlet added.

After a final round of farewells, Kilroy and Iriella finally boarded the Copernicus. Checking his navigator's logs, he made the calculations necessary to take Iriella to her homeworld. While he may not have found out what was causing the anti-aging effects on Mitzelgran, Kilroy had the artifact, and that was enough for now. It would take years for scientists just to study it. Besides, he could always return. The familiar, steady hum of the ship's engine relaxed him as he sat back and watched the stars zoom by on the view screen. What other wonders did the universe have? He was sure he'd find out someday.

* * * * *

The End
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