Lois & Clark Forums
We've always had stories about aliens, from the horrifying invaders of "War of the Worlds" and "Body Snatchers" to the benign supporting characters like Spock and Chewbacca. Young Clark Kent would have grown up with some or all of these stories, and who's to say they stopped after he finally donned the cape? As an alien himself, what would his thoughts be?

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to explore the impact or impressions that the aliens of Hollywood leave on the alien from Kansas. The story can take place at any point in Clark's life: maybe he's an impressionable child, or an awkward teen, or a concerned parent. It can reference any real-life sci-fi show, movie, etc. Does Clark find a positive role model? Does he learn to dread what he's becoming? Or is it all just fun and games until someone gets a hold of a ray gun?
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