Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Christina A challenge from a 5 year old... - 01/04/17 06:32 PM
My son loves trying to come up with jokes (particularly the simple knock-knock or why did? jokes). He came up with this "dud" that I decided needed a story to turn it into one.

Here's the Joke:

Why did Superman fly across the Road? To get to the other Superman!

Your challenge is to turn this into a humorous story.
Challenge Accepted! laugh
Posted By: Christina Re: A challenge from a 5 year old... - 01/08/17 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Challenge Accepted! laugh

Thank you! Me and my soon to be five year old are looking forward to seeing what you come up with. (it can be a belated birthday present, but don't worry about the time frame).
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: A challenge from a 5 year old... - 01/20/17 05:26 AM
I know it's probably too late for his birthday, but I'm working on a little something. Not sure when it will be finished. My daughters generously shared their cold with me. Again. laugh
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: A challenge from a 5 year old... - 01/22/17 07:41 AM
Challenge Answered Here
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