Lois & Clark Forums
Someone has come to Metropolis. Maybe it's another hero, or maybe it's a sinister villain. Lois and Clark try to deal with this new good/bad guy...BUT...

Things aren't always what they seem, and what Lois and Clark thought was a new friend/foe was actually the complete opposite.

Maybe this person is an impostor trying to ruin the original's reputation, or maybe they're a version from an alternate universe where they chose the other side of the force. Either way, the background check is not quite going to match up with what Lois and Clark find themselves dealing with.

The only rule is that this visitor--whether hero or villain--must be somebody who exists in another series; nobody made up from whole-cloth for the fic, and nobody who regularly exchanges punches with Superman in a slightly different canon. Other than that, fics can be any length, type, or time-period, so feel free to go nuts! grin
It's common knowledge that Bruce has been a dating option for Lois in other canons so Clark could see him as a romantic rival before realizing that Batman is heavily involved with Catwoman or something.

The same with Wonder Woman perhaps she (like Mayson) tries to "date" Clark.... But is involved with Steve Trevor.
Does it have to be a D.C. series? I'm thinking that Palpatine/Darth Sidious of Star Wars fame would fit the bill quite nicely.
Originally Posted by Annie B.
Does it have to be a D.C. series? I'm thinking that Palpatine/Darth Sidious of Star Wars fame would fit the bill quite nicely.

Any (non-Superman) franchise is welcome. smile This can include Batman, Spiderman, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Gone With the Wind.
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