Lois & Clark Forums
What's a honeymoon without handcuffs? And a badge? And a--wait...

Lois and Clark are just married, and during this time of newly-wed bliss, one of them gets to tag along with the MPD's finest. Maybe they're going undercover as a cop, or maybe they're just shadowing the real officers as they do their patrols. Maybe they even get to turn on the siren! What fun! If only their spouse knew about this! ...Oh dear.

1. No "Super" intervention: If Clark is with the cops, he can't change into his alter-ego to save the day. If Lois is the one with the truncheon, Superman can't come save her.
2. Must be set right after their honeymoon.
3. Their partner doesn't know about any of this, or doesn't find out until much later.

This is part of The Bizarro Monthly Challenge challenge. Now freeze, and put your fics where I can see them!
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