Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR August's Anti-Superman Challenge - 07/09/14 03:09 AM
For August we're turning up the heat!

Who's that new employee wandering the bullpen? He(She) seems to have more than a passing interest in Lois and/or Clark. Is it Zara or Ching from the far-off New Kryptonian asteroid?

Nope, it's an agent of Bureau 39 who has infiltrated the Daily Planet's inner sanctum to spy on Superman's closest friends. What does this secret agent discover? Should Lois and Clark worry?

How do our favorite duo figure this out? Do they? Or is it Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, or even Cat Grant that senses something isn't right with this new employee. What do they do?

1. Trask or some other member of Bureau 39 goes undercover at the Daily Planet.
2. This is a Kryptonite-free story.
3. Lois and Clark need to outrun the bad guys. (i.e. Bad guys chase them).

Where do they run? Where do they hide? Is there a storage closet involved?

This is 2014 Monthly Challenge Challenge for August 2014. Please start posting your stories in August, and remember to submit your finished story to LabRat at the Archives afterwards.

Can B39 run DNA from Clark's sweat? shock
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: August's Anti-Superman Challenge - 07/09/14 10:00 AM
How do our favorite duo figure this out? Do they? Or is it Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, or even Cat Grant ...

At first, I thought that this sentence was going to end with, "...who is the secret agent?" shock

Of course, since all of them worked at the Planet even prior to Superman's first appearance, we would have one of two possibilities:

1) An alternate universe with an alternate timeline for hirings.

2) The Bureau 39 person was planted in the Planet purely for intelligence gathering: so that they would have access to national and world news as it happens.

Posted By: BJ Re: August's Anti-Superman Challenge - 07/09/14 07:36 PM
At first, I thought that this sentence was going to end with, "...who is the secret agent?"
That's it! That's why Michael Landis was replaced as Jimmy Olsen. He was a plant to begin with...
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: August's Anti-Superman Challenge - 07/09/14 08:39 PM
BJ & Lynn: I believe you two are having evil thoughts. Little ol' me wasn't leaning in that direction at all. angel-devil Go for it!
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