Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR July's Super Shipwrecked Challenge - 06/06/14 05:17 AM
First they went by sea, and now they must go by land. Lois and Clark are stuck somewhere unexpected because their boat went down. Was it a storm? Was it engine trouble? Did Lois try to cook in the galley? Do they drift along for days in a life raft before spotting land? Or were they anchored just off the coast when tragedy struck? Perhaps they had only gone on a three hour tour, which seemed to last a lifetime. wink

The rules are... Bizarro say "there are no rules!"

Have fun! evil
Posted By: Christina Re: July's Super Shipwrecked Challenge - 06/06/14 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
First they went by sea, and now they must go by land. Lois and Clark are stuck somewhere unexpected because their boat went down. Was it a storm? Was it engine trouble? Did Lois try to cook in the galley? Do they drift along for days in a life raft before spotting land? Or were they anchored just off the coast when tragedy struck? Perhaps they had only gone on a three hour tour, which seemed to last a lifetime. wink

The rules are... Bizarro say "there are no rules!"

Have fun! evil

*whines* I wanna! But... too many irons in the fire! (not just kids but the Ultra Woman costume and stories that have been begging for attention for years). I can't wait to see what people come up with!
Posted By: Christina Re: July's Super Shipwrecked Challenge - 06/09/14 12:45 PM
I just thought of a way someone could do this. They're "drafted" to do a Survivor-like game where teams of 2 compete each week for rewards. The one that comes in last each week is eliminated. I could see Clark (and Lois) not quite winning every week and landing somewhere in the middle of the pack. If it's pre-reveal, I could see this causing tension between him and Lois as he would be using his strength (that and fire would be the only ones which would be able to be used fairly openly to their advantage) to build a Treehouse and other features (a la Swiss Family Robinson) but wouldn't use that same strength to win the rewards (at least until towards the end).

If it's post-reveal, I could see Lois being a little miffed but not outright angry at Clark for not winning anything.

As I re-read the challenge I realized that a Survivor challenge on it's own wouldn't work (unless it's a case of the ship going down accidentally but that would mean that other people are also shipwrecked with them limiting the "Ordinary People" moments they could have).
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: July's Super Shipwrecked Challenge - 06/09/14 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Christina
As I re-read the challenge I realized that a Survivor challenge on it's own wouldn't work (unless it's a case of the ship going down accidentally but that would mean that other people are also shipwrecked with them limiting the "Ordinary People" moments they could have).
Well, you could work it out in a couple of ways:

A) they could get shipwrecked while on an individual challenge (i.e. each couple to their own boat), but that would mean they'd have their cameraman with them, too. (What a case of Jimmy-interruptus!) The cameraman could get injured during the crash, leaving Clark with major guilt issues. Also, they would know that the show's producers would be out looking for them, unless -- of course -- that's who they were investigating in the first place for signing up with the show. Kind of a like a Noah's Ark meets Spencer's Island type thing.

B) Them being shipwrecked is part of the show, only the producers didn't tell them that was what the challenge was: Surviving a shipwreck. With each couple on the same island only several weeks apart. (Then they edit all the couples' adventures together to make it seem that they were all shipwrecked at the same time to different parts of the same island.) Clark realizes that there are cameras all over the island to film them for the show, so he can't do any super stuff while there to help them.
Ack! Stop tempting my muse, Virginia! She's already got two fics on the table - three when she was doing Clark's Heart.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: July's Super Shipwrecked Challenge - 06/09/14 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Ack! Stop tempting my muse, Virginia! She's already got two fics on the table - three when she was doing Clark's Heart.
Originally Posted by VirginiaR
Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
Ack! Stop tempting my muse, Virginia! She's already got two fics on the table - three when she was doing Clark's Heart.

*sigh* I'll have to add this to my "story ideas" file for the future.
Posted By: Annie B. Re: July's Super Shipwrecked Challenge - 06/11/14 03:34 AM
Hmm ... Lois and Clark board an "unsinkable" ship which happens to be carrying a valuable chunk of Kryptonite. As tends to happen when things can't possibly go wrong, they do go wrong, and the "unsinkable" ship sinks. Lois and Clark wind up alone in a lifeboat, where someone hid the Kryptonite for safekeeping. The first challenge is keeping Clark alive while Lois searches for the Kryptonite. Then the boat drifts for a while before reaching land -- unfortunately, it's a country where Americans are very unpopular, and Clark doesn't have his powers back yet.
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