Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR July's Camping Challenge - 06/06/14 05:06 AM
If "Ordinary People" whetted your appetite for more, then this is a challenge for you. Lois and Clark are stuck in the sticks with nary a microwave! No! /gasp!/ thud

How will Lois manage? No telephone. No hairdryer. No fax machine. No place to plug in and recharge her laptop. No lighter. Lois has to rely on Mother Nature and Clark to make it through. You've guessed it! (Okay, the title of the challenge may have given it away.) Just in time for summer, Lois and Clark go camping!

Whether forced, by choice, or by accident, Lois and Clark head out of civilization to commune with nature.

1. Lois and Clark cannot set food in civilization (and, yes, that includes you, too, Superman).
2. Throughout the story, there is NO access to technology or electricity.
3. During the story, either Lois or Clark gets very sick.

To make it easy on you, we haven't specified a season or a condition that Lois not know Clark's secret, but you may adopt a early season, blind Lois if you prefer.

This is 2014 Monthly Challenge Challenge for July 2014. Please start posting your stories in July, and remember to submit your finished story to LabRat at the Archives afterwards.

Happy hunting! Or Fishing! Or picking berries! Whatever.
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