Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR June's Time Travel Challenge - 05/06/14 05:05 AM
Just in time for summer, it's time to start planning a trip. jump This isn't a journey to where but to *when*. It doesn't matter whether your character travels forwards or backwards in time, but stay in the present they cannot. Pick one direction and stick with it. If Clark (or Lois or Perry or Jimmy, etc...) travels into the past, all the travel must be in the past (either further back or coming forward, doesn't matter). If it is into the future your character heads, then it's only the future he/she will see on the journey.

When will he go? How will she get back? WHY is he popping around in the space time continuum? What is she going to learn from her trip (if anything)?

When will someone discover the character is missing? Can the person left behind (or forward) help return the character to the present? Will something that happens in the past effect what will happen in the present? Will they remember when they return?

1) Must journey to several time periods within the future or past.
2) Set in S3.
3) Must time travel alone.

This is 2014 Monthly Challenge Challenge for June 2014. Please start posting your stories in June, and remember to submit your finished story to LabRat at the Archives afterwards.
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