Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Christina A Supermann AU - 04/24/14 04:37 PM
Superman doesn't have a good way to get rid of the radiation (the Solar magnet idea doesn't work so well) and he's forced to watch Lois grow old and pass on. Years pass and Clark/Superman is on a remote island with a seasonal visit to STAR Labs to assist with radiation-related tasks and major emergencies where even his radiation is not a major concern-i.e. Fukushima, Chernobyl, etc.) A millenia+ occurs until Superman is no longer a major radiation risk. On the day of his "release" there is a huge number of journalists there (as they see him as one of their own considering his past identity). There, in the front of the other journalists is a woman with black hair and piercing eyes. He overhears a nearby reporter mutter about "Mad Dog" and he's shocked. He gets a good look at her and is stunned to find the spitting image of Lois Lane. Yes, his soulmate waited for him, but now here she is.
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