Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: dcarson Lois's distant family - 12/10/13 12:51 AM
The SF writer Philip Jose Farmer wrote "biographies" of Tarzan and Doc Savage where he created family trees tieing together many literary characters. Among them a family history and family trees for the amazing Lane family.
[Linked Image] [Linked Image].

Those can't be used directly because they are for a Lois Lane born in the 1920s to match the age when Superman was first written.

However names often get handed down in families and if Margo was the great aunt to the Lois & Clark Lois that still makes for interesting relatives.

So any thoughts to expand on the history and stories to go with that?
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Lois's distant family - 12/10/13 09:36 AM
Lana Wayne?! jawdrop

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Lois's distant family - 12/10/13 03:18 PM
This thing is about as good as the family tree from Nan Smith's "Home" series. laugh
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