Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR October DeathFic Challenge - 09/08/13 01:05 PM
Somebody must die! I know there are a few on the boards who love this genre (I'm sure Dr. Friskin is taking new clients) and what better time to celebrate the life or death of someone we love or hate, than by killing them off in October! Right? Right? <<crickets>> Well, anyway, here are the rules:

1. Someone must die. No "I got you!" pranks. No "it was really a clone" mistakes. No "Superman used Dr. Hamilton's special formula to resurrect me" death fakes. The person MUST be dead and stay dead at the end of the fic. <<In the case of Lex Luthor, it will naturally be assumed that this man will resurrect himself at a later time, because, frankly, that's what he does. But for the purposes of this Challenge everyone must believe that the death is real, even the dead person.>>

2.No red shirts can apply. The death must be of a main cast member or often repeating guest star or villain (including but not limited to: Dr. Klein, Ralph, Eduardo, Lucy Lane, The Pransker - Kyle Griffin, Tempus, NK crew, etc.) Sorry, RL deaths or non-characters allowed.

3. The deathfic may be either dark comedy or drama, actually set in any genre.

BONUS POINTS: If you kill off Lois, Clark, or Lex Luthor.

EXTRA BONUS POINTS: If you manage to kill off two of the three of the above.

Please include the full on WHAM / Deathfic warning note at the beginning, because some us chickenhearted people need some time to decide whether or not we're in the mood to read about someone's death.

As with all Challenges within my 2013 Monthly Challenge Challenge , I'm giving you ample warning to get your story written and posted by October 31. Although, late stories are always accepted. laugh

Please remember to send a copy of your story to LabRat at the Archives once you're done posting it here. Our goal is to have ALL Completed stories posted on this boards submitted to the Archives before next year's Kerths!
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