Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: VirginiaR Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/11/11 03:58 PM
When responding to a comment on my story Missing Lois recently, I pondered what Alt. Clark's proposal to Alt. Lana Lang would have been like, especially since she was being a considerable witch to him during Tempus Anyone? I have my own answers in my story, although not fleshed out in detail.

So, if you are into self-torture (as any romantic storyline would have to be between Clark and Lana), I propose you write a scene that would describe Alt. Clark's proposal to Alt. Lana. Was she actually a decent person (yeah, right) and just turned into a bridezilla? Or was there another reason Clark looked like he wanted to have nothing to do with his intended after Lois Lane kissed him? He must have loved her at some point to ask her to marry him. Or did he?
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/11/11 04:36 PM
Do we know that he proposed to her? I had always assumed that she had proposed to him. Well, given him a proposal-cum-ultimatum. Something along the lines of, "Clark, we've been dating since high school. Isn't it time we got married? I'm not going to wait around forever, you know. And it's not like your going to have anyone else who'll want to get close to you."

Perhaps I'm being a little hard on alt-Lana, but that really is how I envision the proposal.

Posted By: HappyGirl Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/11/11 07:10 PM
Those were my thoughts exactly.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/12/11 09:36 AM
Ok, yes, well, obviously. But Alt. Clark is still Clark and Clark is a romantic. Wouldn't a part of him still think he'd have to do a proper "romantic" proposal and not just leave it at the ultimatum? Or possible goaded into it by Lana.

"Ok, now, you've got to propose."

"What?" stammered Clark.

"I have to have a story to tell people. So, propose. And you better make it good. I need to know you're committed to this relationship." She placed a hand on his chest. "I need to know how much you love me."

His heart melted a little. Maybe, she did love him afterall.

"So, it better be good. Make me forget everything else I'm giving up by marrying you. And none of..." She indicated flying with her hand. "Something romantic and normal."

Clark cringed. Why was he agreeing to this again? Oh, right. Nobody else would ever love him as much as she did. He sighed. So, this was going to be his life. Did he really expect he deserved a happily ever after?
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/14/11 01:45 AM
Dare I mention that one of the DC Elseworlds comics ends with Clark happily married to an immortal Lana a few centuries after Lois dies?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/14/11 10:28 AM
Yes, but isn't the Lana in the DC Universe nicer than the Lana in L&C Lana?
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/14/11 10:56 AM
Posted By: rkn Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/18/11 08:31 AM
In my story I made it a combo of pressure from Lana and the shock of Jack's death that made Calrk decide to propose.

He looked up guiltily and his hands stilled. It was a blue velvet covered box.

“Lana’s been pressing me to take the next step in our relationship. I guess Jack’s death had made me see how fragile life is, how short. We’re not assured of a tomorrow.” He flipped the lid of the box open and handed it to her. The blue velvet nestled a beautiful pear cut diamond. Lois eyes flew to Clark’s.

“You’re going to propose?”

He nodded. “I don’t know why I haven’t already done so. She wants us to move in together. I know it seems silly in this day and age, but I’m not really okay with that. Not for me. I think that if we’re ready to make that kind of commitment, we should go all the way, make it official.”

Lois closed the box with a snap, handing it back to him. “Clark, can we go somewhere and talk.”

Clark looked surprised. Apparently this was not the reaction he had been expecting, but he agreed.

“Sure, Lois.” He stood and pulled his suit coat from the back of his chair, putting the jewelry box in the pocket. “Let’s pick up sandwiches and take them to the park.”

They ate their sandwiches, both deep in thought. Lois broke the silence. “Do you love her, Clark?”

“Lana? Of course I do. Lana and I have been going out forever. She’s always been there for me. Lana and I have similar backgrounds. We’re a good pair. When I moved to Metropolis, I told my dad that I wanted to meet someone, raise a family, settle down. I didn’t even think that person would be someone from Smallville, but it just works. Lois, when I thought about losing my job at the Planet and then when we lost Jack, I realized something. I realized I could lose all that and still go on, but I wanted someone to come home to at night, somewhere I could leave my cares at the door, someone to belong to.”
In the end he decided not to. Of course, my story is just that way I wanted everything to come about. wink I love these boards because it is so interesting to see literally hundreds of different thoughts of how they came together.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/18/11 10:18 AM
rkn -

From which story is this excerpt?

I find it strange he can even consider Lana while talking to Lois! But I'm sure there is more to it. Love to read more.
Posted By: rkn Re: Alt. Clark's Proposal - 05/19/11 07:28 AM

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