Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ccmalo And We Have Only 3 Days to Find It - 02/21/10 09:02 AM
Crossover challenge:

Here's the premise:

Team Time is going to do an ep in the US - in the southwest where a few artifacts suugest a possible ancient civilization. They fly to Kansas, then charter a small plane to get them and their equipment to the site.


They have to make a forced landing in ... Schuster's Field.

Testing their equipment, they find some interesting geophys readings and so decide to investigate. And....

So any takers?

Posted By: cookiesmom Re: And We Have Only 3 Days to Find It - 02/21/10 10:31 AM
I'm not familiar with Team Time--could you explain it?
Posted By: ccmalo Re: And We Have Only 3 Days to Find It - 02/21/10 11:26 AM
oops - guess that wasn't a good idea after all smile

Anyway - here are a couple of links:

Time Team

Team Team - video clips

Posted By: cookiesmom Re: And We Have Only 3 Days to Find It - 02/21/10 05:29 PM
Thanks for the links--it looks like an interesting show, but is it posted anywhere for download? (And then I'd have to borrow my daughter's computer, since mine is too slow for video.)

And it's an interesting idea for a crossover. So why don't you write it? Please?
Posted By: ccmalo Re: And We Have Only 3 Days to Find It - 02/22/10 05:46 AM
I don't know whether it's posted anywhere for download. I've watched it on TVO - sort of the Ontario version of the CBC.

I've found that I can't download American network TV shows ("outside the geographic region" dontcha know laugh ). Whether that rule applies to UK netwrok shows I don't know.

It is an intersting show - serious about the archaelogy, but also at times it can quite funny, and every once in a while a tad gormless. smile

Posted By: Framework4 Re: And We Have Only 3 Days to Find It - 02/22/10 06:59 AM
Originally posted by ccmalo:
Team Time is going to do an ep in the US...They have to make a forced landing in ... Schuster's Field.
Looking over their FAQ makes it seem unlikely they would do this.

You might have a US company doing their own version for the US Market.

Or you might have one the many conspiracy programs doing a follow up on Jason Trask.
Conspiracy Theory
Posted By: ccmalo Re: And We Have Only 3 Days to Find It - 02/23/10 04:34 AM
Looking over their FAQ makes it seem unlikely they would do this.

You might have a US company doing their own version for the US Market.

Or you might have one the many conspiracy programs doing a follow up on Jason Trask.
lol, Patrick. Then it wouldn't be a crossover fic <g>
Time Team isn't about conspiracies and also you'd have different 'characters' than the people who do Time Team.

ah well, not such a good idea after all, then.

Time Team is a good show; I tried to write something like this for the Buffyverse once but it ran into the "No real people" rules at the sites I normally post to - could be a problem here too if you really want to use Time Team. There don't seem to be equivalent shows in other countries, or at least they aren't mentioned in Wikipedia.


They don't just dig up sites at random - one of the things that come up a lot in the show is that they have to get all sorts of planning permission from the local authorities, land owners, etc., have to work to a very strict timetable, etc. etc. I'd imagine that things would be much the same in the USA if someone did something like that there.
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