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Posted By: Zoar3 Escape from Krypton - 10/22/08 08:02 PM
While catching up on some wonderful stories on here this afternoon, I started to wonder if anyone ever wrote a story in which the below things happened and if not, would anyone might be interested in doing so? smile I * really * once and for all need to decide the fate of at least 2 in progress fics that I've started before beginning a new one.

First idea was what if Jor-El and Lara escaped Krypton with baby Clark?

Related to above, what if the Council of Elders? believed Jor-El's study/prediction about K's impending explosion and doom and plans were made (and maybe even carried out) for a full scale evacuation. And if this did occur, how in the world would all those super beings "hide" on Earth or would baby Clark still be the only one to have super powers?

Some hot Wednesday afternoon ponderings. smile

Posted By: Mister Data Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/22/08 09:17 PM
I have sooo thought about the idea of Jor-El and Lara making it to earth. Even went as far as naming them. Jorden and Laura Elliot with baby Kalvin. They became good friends of the Kents and slowly made a small fortune in inventions...

Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/22/08 09:47 PM
You should write it, James! In fact, I had also thought of the possibility of Martha and Jonathan discovering all 3 of them in the field. That could be some story especially if Lara and Jor-El had some powers but even if they didn't and their son suddenly did! I think I actually like that better.

Lara and Jor-El with their infant son realizing they are all alive but in the middle of a farm field...debris from the ship all around them..when suddenly-oh first of all, they realize Kal-El has magically aged, right? And would they, age as well, do you think? Regardless...their infant son is now what a few months old and maybe he stops J and M's truck from crashing or rescues them somehow...after the massive explosion has either thrown their truck or is somehow threatenting it and them? Ideas...darn my "oath" to take care of 2 other fics first once and for all! Though if you, James, or someone else is up for trying this, I'd definitely at least try to help get it started if nothing else.

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/23/08 11:04 AM
There was an Elsewheres comic in which the Kryptonian high council believed Jor El and they basically evacuated the entire planet and moved to Earth, taking over "for our own good." It was mostly about Batman, as a freedom fighter trying to restore some human liberty. Can't remember the title.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/27/08 07:05 AM
Hm, the idea of millions (bilions?) of Kryptonians on Earth... Well, millions I can imagine. They could hide out as a reclusive group (like Amish people or a tribe in some jungle), although that wouldn't allow so many Kryptonians to live quietly on Earth. Why don't they found a city under the sea? With their advanced technology, they should be able to do so. (Yes, their capital has Atlantis written all over it. laugh ) Or maybe they settle on the moon or somewhere else in our solar system. (Mars, maybe?)
Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/28/08 05:20 PM
Lol, Lara that is a funny and interesting thought of an under the sea hideout for the Kryptonians! laugh

Your post got me thinking first off, depending on how early Jor-El was finally believed...would some people be sent as "Scouts" to other planets/stars to check them out? And if so/besides how this would work...how would they stay in touch with the folks back on Krypton? Also, when the time finally did come, perhaps not all K's what venture to Earth..some might remain elsewhere...unless there was no where else. Mars has a red sun or moon or something doesn't it? smile

I hope someone will take this challenge up.

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/29/08 05:46 AM
Well, I figured that some Kryptonians would prefer to not wage war on the native populace of their new home, so they'd have to find a way to avoid it. And living somewhere where no natives live sounds like a good idea to me.

About Mars: Mars has the same yellow sun as Earth since it's from the same solar system. It's called the Red Planet, though, because its surface has a reddish hue to it (due to rust). I don't know which colors the moons of Mars are, but it doesn't matter at all. All that matters for a Kryptonian to develop superpowers is the color of the sun.

The idea of scouts to find exoplanets (from the Kryptonian point of view) fit to settle on is a great one, though. Maybe there are several Kryptonian settlements strewn all across the Milky Way (or other galaxies as well)? thumbsup
Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/29/08 10:52 AM
Thanks for the Mars info Lara and lol glad you liked the Scout idea. I would never want the people of K to wage war(s) anywhere! Not my thing. But I could see if there was limited space...do you or anyone else know how many people lived on Krypton? That would probably be a consideration in finding a new home and perhaps even helping some elderly folks get to it. For all we know...the there would still be some holdouts/non believers who at the very end might change their minds as well. So many possibilities!

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/29/08 12:09 PM
Somehow, I can't see them evacuate the whole planet to one place only. As a matter of fact, I see two different possibilities:
1) Only a small number of Kryptonians gets evacuated (maybe even a million or so, but if you consider that there might have been several billions of people on Krypton, that's not much). This group might be a) a religious group b) a noble house (or a few of them) or c) a whole city (or some such). On the other hand, it might be a group that was elected to find a safe haven in outer space. Such a group would have to consist mainly of young and *fertile* people of both genders.
2) Several groups are sent off into outer space, ending up in (very?) different places all around the universe. The questions you have to ask yourself: Do they manage to stay in contact? Do they want to? Do the earthern Kryptonians tell the others about their superpowers? Do the others live near red suns only? Don't forget that a blue sun gives them even stronger superpowers than just a yellow one (according to the comics).
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Escape from Krypton - 10/31/08 05:24 AM
I found a description of the story I mentioned here


then add /Bruce_Wayne_(Unforgiven)

(the boards won't let me enter the whole URL since it contains parentheses)
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