Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: kmar Story Challenge - 05/29/08 03:42 AM
I will start out saying I can't write FanFiction to save my life or I would write this story myself. But I have a challenge for those of you who do and can write. Please someone take it up for me.

I have always hated how Mayson kept coming on to Clark in the show and he didn't have the backbone to tell her up front to back off. What I'm getting at is:

1. In the first episode she doesn't know if he is involved but in front of others she gives him her business card and informs him her private number is there and call her anytime if he needs her(hint,hint). She wouldn't do that for any other witness. She is obviously coming on to him. He doesn't call and he sure as heck didn't really come off as being interested but then:

2. She shows up at his apartment unannounced. When he suggests he put a shirt on she goes no don't and starts taking off her clothes. Then she kisses him when she is leaving. This is not a date woman, you supposedly went there to talk about his testimony. Your a DA have some class and professionalism.

3. She shows up at his place of work (very unprofessional) and asks him away to her place in the mountains for the weekend in front of his coworkers and boss. I'm sorry but when she did that in the show she came off as a big time slut to me. When someone usually asks you away for a weekend it generally means sex will be involved. They hadn't even been on a date for heavens sake and she is setting up a sex filled weekend.

AND CLARK GOES ALL MUSH MOUTH. He doesn't even have the backbone to call her (he has her home phone number) and tell her that he didn't agree to go away.

So my challenge is and strong suggestions are that it be a rewrite of the episode where Mayson asks him away but this time he develops a backbone and:

1. He calls her and tells her no, that he is sorry if she thought that he had agreed but she should remember Perry interrupted.
2. That he isn't interested that he has feelings for someone else (your call if he tells her Lois).
3. If you have her get pushy about who or how he thinks he and Lois can have a future. Have him stand up to her and basically tell her to mind her own business, that he just has not romantic or sexual feelings for her. He can do it nicely but as I asked he has to have a backbone and stand up for himself.
4. I would like it for no one else to know that he called her and set her straight about the weekend until Monday when Jimmy starts peppering him with questions about the weekend with Mayson.

grovel Please someone write me a story involving Clark and Mayson where I don't want to yell. I always want to yell at Clark that for gosh sakes he is the strongest man on the planet but he can't tell a pushy woman that he isn't interested in a relationship with her. ARH

How she reacts to his not being around when Lois and Superman are in trouble and her reactions to his parents are your call.
Posted By: rkn Re: Story Challenge - 05/29/08 07:44 AM
This is an exerpt from "Love Survives". Maybe it won't make you want to yell. smile

. . .Lois frowned. “Meanwhile, that blonde is in the conference room waiting to talk to you.”

“What blonde?”

“The DA. I’m telling you, Clark, she wants you.”

“I’m sure she is here to talk about Baby Rage.”


“Lois, I meant it when I said I wasn’t interested. I don’t care if she is the most beautiful woman in the world. I am in a relationship with you, and that’s what I want.”

Lois looked deeply into his eyes. Her eyes looked a little watery. “I’m sorry, Clark. I know you told me that, but I just keep thinking, Why me? Ms. Drake is professional, successful, smart and she looks just like the women you’ve always been attracted to.”

“What women? Yeah, Lana is blonde, but who else are you talking about?”

“Antoinette Baines, Toni Taylor. . .”

“Dr. Baines was only interested in Lex Luthor. And Toni-“


“Toni was attractive, but she was also a criminal.”

“Yes, but you. . . you said you were going to score. Didn’t you?”

“What? I never said. . . what gave you. . . Lois, you seem to have a very different picture of my personal life than what actual reality is.”

“So, you didn’t. . . score?”

“Lois, you once told me that you had never slept with anyone to get a story and were rather offended that I would think so. I have never slept with anyone to get a story either and you owe me the same courtesy.”

Lois sniffed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Clark.”

Clark knelt down next to her. “Honey, why does Ms. Drake bother you so much? What is this really about?”

“I just keep thinking you’re going to see that she is everything I’m not and you’ll change you mind about us. After wanting this for so long, I guess I just can’t. . . *trust* that it is real.”

Clark sometimes forgot the damage Sam Lane’s irresponsible behavior had wreaked on Lois. “Lois, *you* are professional, successful, and smart, and you are the only woman I’m interested in. Okay?”

She nodded. Suddenly the look on her face changed. “Did you just call me honey?”

Clark felt a smirk twist his lips, “Did I?”

“Yes, I think you did.”

“Should I be running in fear from Mad Dog Lois?”

“Promise you won’t tell anyone?”


“I kind of liked it.”

Clark’s breath caught. How had he not noticed this delightful woman for so long? How would things have been different if he had realized that Lois was the woman for him long ago? If they weren’t in the middle of the newsroom, we would kiss her senseless right now. Instead he squeezed her hand.

Lois squared her shoulders. “Well, better get in there and see what Ms. DA wants.”


Clark entered the conference room and extended his hand, “Ms. Drake.”

“Please, call me Mayson.”

“I assume you’re here to talk about Baby Rage?”

“Yes I need to get your signature on your statement and discuss your testimony.”

Clark quickly related his version of events to the DA, confirming his statement. Mayson asked him a few questions and noted the answers.

“Wow, look at the time,” she said, glancing at her watch. “It’s almost lunch. Want to grab something to eat with me?”

So, Lois was right. Well, of course she was. “Sure, Mayson. Let me just get Lois and we can go.”

“Um, Clark, I meant you and me.”

“Mayson, Lois and I are dating.”


“You seem like a great person-“

“Don’t worry about it, Clark.”

“So, are we still going to lunch?”

“Why not? Hey, you don’t have a brother, do you?”

Clark laughed as he ushered Mayson out of the conference room. “Sorry, no.”

“Rats. Some girls have all the luck.”

They approached Lois’ desk. “We’re going to get some lunch, Lois. Can you come?” Clark asked.

Lois looked up from her computer, “Is it lunchtime already? Sure, I could eat. Where are we going?”

“Do you like Thai food, Mayson?” Clark asked.

“I love it. Are you thinking of the restaurant on 10th?”

“That’s our favorite,” answered Lois. “I like it spicy!”

With the question of Clark’s availability out of the way, the three of them were able to talk comfortably about the case.
Posted By: Anubis Re: Story Challenge - 05/29/08 02:41 PM
My impression has always been that Clark was, to a small degree, interested in Mayson. He was certainly intrigued that someone liked him for plain old Clark and didn't care a fig for Superman. He doesn't seem to be able to ignore the siren call of an aggressive and pushy woman. YMMV wink
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Story Challenge - 06/02/08 10:52 PM
I have always hated how Mayson kept coming on to Clark in the show and he didn't have the backbone to tell her up front to back off.
I think that Clark was so sweet that he couldn’t tell her. Plus, even if you can’t stand someone, there can sometimes still be a sexual attraction. And it was definitely there even if Clark didn’t feel it as strongly as Mayson

she came off as a big time slut to me
Yes, I can see that, but I always thought that she was just terribly blinded by love and thought something was there that wasn’t.

He doesn't even have the backbone to call her (he has her home phone number) and tell her that he didn't agree to go away.
Wasn’t that the episode where he was blind - and a bit distracted? But, yes, I’d like to see a re-write where he tells her he isn’t interested that involves some angst for Mayson..

He was certainly intrigued that someone liked him for plain old Clark
Yep, me too.

I hope someone takes up the challenge
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