Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Hair Challenge - 07/02/07 02:45 PM
No… not the hair challenge you are thinking of. ^_~ (Sorry Tank)

One of the things I have always wondered about was how Clark’s unique way of cutting his hair and shaving. A lot of times we hear that the first powers that came along was his invulnerability to injuries and cuts. If this is true, was there ever an awkward moment when he was a teenager when he didn’t have his heat vision but was starting to grow a beard? Or did he have the heat vision but didn’t know how to use it and thus was stuck with a untrimmed beard and long hair for a few months (or years) because he didn’t know how to get rid of it?

Another interesting dilemma is also his kids. What if they had the same problems where the heat vision didn’t kick in until later? How would they cut their hair? Would Clark be forced to cut his daughters hair for her? Would she make him study style magazines to learn how to give her a hair cut just like her friends?

So the challenge is: Write a story about how Clark figured out how to use his heat vision to cut his hair and shave or about his kids having the same trouble.
Posted By: Tank Re: Hair Challenge - 07/02/07 03:31 PM
Actually, I've wondered about Lois in her Ultrawoman guise. In the show she wasn't Ultrawoman long enough to need to worry about it.

But in some stories (like Rac's epic saga) Lois has become Ultrawoman for an extended period of time, like years. So, I think it might be amusing to see her first attempts at the whole heat vision hair cutting thing.

Tank (who is sure that Lois would have been glad to have been invulnerable when she first tried to groom herself with her heat vision and a mirror)
Posted By: Laura S Re: Hair Challenge - 07/02/07 07:19 PM
This challenge looks like it could have some fun responses! smile I started writing a little for it. Maybe I can make this nonsense I have written into a response for it. I can just see Clark's daughter wailing after he butchers her haircut, lol.

Edit: Okay, I'm definitely doing this one. I've got quite a bit of it written already. It's been one of those things that sort of spiralled out of control! Hopefully I can finish it up soon and post. smile
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: Hair Challenge - 07/02/07 09:17 PM
Tank: I hadn't actually thought about Lois but that is an interesting point. I'd be interested to see that one as well. The whole idea does have some great points to explore.

Laura: Haha, I had actually started one where he finds her wailing in the bathroom because she tried to do it on her own. I thought about having him help her and cutting her hair short. I couldn't quite find an ending for it though so decided to make it a challenge instead. ^_^ I can't wait to read yours now. laugh
Posted By: Laura S Re: Hair Challenge - 07/02/07 11:04 PM
Okay, I posted it. *Crosses fingers* It really wasn't what I expected when I started writing it. But... oh well.


smile Hope you enjoy it!

Posted By: MLT Re: Hair Challenge - 07/21/07 05:04 AM
Okay, so now I've got this image in my head of Lois, as Ultra Woman, sitting in the tub, her foot propped up on the side, cursing like a drunken sailor as she trys to use a mirror to shave her legs. Thanks a lot, Tank! razz

Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Hair Challenge - 07/21/07 11:28 AM
Originally posted by MLT:
Okay, so now I've got this image in my head of Lois, as Ultra Woman, sitting in the tub, her foot propped up on the side, cursing like a drunken sailor as she trys to use a mirror to shave her legs. Thanks a lot, Tank! razz

Great, thanks MLT. Now I got that image in my head as well! wink

Although, I think she would need to use TWO mirrors to be able to reach some parts without dislocating her hip...
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