Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi Just like Lois.... - 12/22/06 09:49 AM
Hi there...
I've been thinking about it. A lot. I know I can't make it. So I thought I should make this a challenge.

I read a lot about Lois and Clark's kids. Sometimes they didn't know about Clark's secret and I thought what if...

His teenage daughter is still unaware of who her daddy is. And like most other teenage girls she's got a crush...

...on Superman.
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/22/06 11:16 AM
LOL! Poor gal's gonna have some serious emotional problems... unless she dies of embarrassment first. goofy

Plausible idea, though. I'd read it if someone decided to take it on.

Sara smile
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/22/06 12:29 PM
Oh, and then this poor girl finds out that Superman is around pretty much, so she figures that one of her parents (or both?) is two-timing with Superman... laugh

Posted By: Schnuffichen Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/22/06 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Olympe:
one of her parents (or both?) is two-timing with Superman... laugh
LOL yeah, both would be hilarious rotflol

I'm really hoping that somebody's gonna try that!

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/22/06 04:31 PM
Well, you're free to volunteer!
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/22/06 09:46 PM
You know, bakasi. I swear I've read one like that. Or was it the one I wrote? (unfinished and not posted)

I'm pretty sure I've read one like that. The teenage daughter had a big poster of Superman on her door and Clark was embarrassed to no end...

I'm also pretty sure I've read a fic where the teenage daughter thought that Lois was having an affair with Superman. I don't think they were the same fic.

I'd love to read another one... Go for it, Barbara.
Posted By: bakasi Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/23/06 07:09 AM
I'd love to read another one... Go for it, Barbara.
Nahh, I've got soem ideas, but not enough to turn it into a story. And I'm quite busy with Becca right now. Or rather I'm not busy, because this scene is a bitch. It just doesn't flow. mecry
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/23/06 02:38 PM
Tell me about it. I'm at a non-flowing scene, myself. If I could just write it down and post... mad
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/23/06 04:45 PM
Don't you hate those scenes?
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/23/06 04:50 PM
Oh, yes. Absolutely.
Posted By: bakasi Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/24/06 03:57 AM
I know the cure - feedback wink

I'm not stuck anymore - doing the happy dance ! dance
Posted By: LabRat Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/24/06 07:59 AM
I'm pretty sure I've read one like that. The teenage daughter had a big poster of Superman on her door and Clark was embarrassed to no end...
Don't quote me on it, because I'm probably completely wrong, but the first thing that popped into my head when I read this, Nancy, was one of Cindy Leuch's Next Gen series. I have the idea that there's a scene like that in one of them. Or maybe it's a teenage girlfriend of the daughter, perhaps?

I could be waaaaaaaay off track though.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/25/06 01:31 AM
I can't quite place it either, but it seems like I've read one where the daughter has a crush on him and then another one where the friend has a crush on him.
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Just like Lois.... - 12/26/06 09:58 AM
Don't quote me on it, because I'm probably completely wrong, but the first thing that popped into my head when I read this, Nancy, was one of Cindy Leuch's Next Gen series. I have the idea that there's a scene like that in one of them. Or maybe it's a teenage girlfriend of the daughter, perhaps?
It was actually the roommate of the fiancée (then just girlfriend) of the younger son of Lois and Clark. wink
Posted By: woody Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/03/07 02:53 AM
I'm afraid if I think about the possible situations about Lois having an affair with her husband (yet not) or Clark having an affair with himself (how would THAT work?) I'll give myself a psychological disorder.

P.S. Never try to think too hard about the possibilities of what to do with a time travel device. Brain overload...
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 12:28 AM
It was actually the roommate of the fiancée (then just girlfriend) of the younger son of Lois and Clark.
Yeah, but there's another one out there where the daughter or the daughter's friend is still living at home - ie a young teen. The above is from one of Cindy's fics (a prequel to 'Meet Sam Wayne', but I'm not sure which one).

I lost you, Woody. Huh?
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 01:45 AM
Well, there are many things you can do with a time-travelling device. And there are many others you can't do without causing a paradox. Depending on the theory ou stick to, you can't meet yourself, sire your grandfather, kill your mother before you're born or do something else that might threaten your very own existence. Like killing the dog that saved your life before you took the trip. Considering all those possibilities (and no-can-do's) can be mind-boggling. Talking about brain overload...
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 08:59 AM
Okay, I'm lost... <giggles>

What's time travel got to do with Superman's teenage daugther having a crush on him?
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 12:24 PM
Hmm. Perhaps that daughter is named Mayson and travels back in time before she's in on the family secret? And get's adopted by a Mr. and Mrs. Drake? evil
Posted By: woody Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 01:30 PM
Sorry, the time travel really didn't have anything to do with the discussion. I was using it as another example.

Here's where I was going. If you really start to think about Lois "having an affair" with Superman (even though that's not possible since she's married to him, yet is she, since she's really married to Clark, you start to see Clark's problem with referring to himself in the third person) or even as someone mentioned, somebody thinking Clark and Lois were each having an affair with Superman, you end up with Clark having an affair with his other "person", which, besides being twisted, gives you a Me, Myself, and Irene kind of situation. It's a catch 22, and thinking about it too hard could give you a psychological disorder.

The time travel comment was another illustration of this problem. Say time travel is available to a few people, and a cop knows of a criminal who is going back in time a little bit, back to a time before time travel was invented, and committing crimes but escaping through time. (Kind of like Tempus in Tmepus Anyone?) The cop might go back and stop the crook. Then the crook from before he was caught looks at history and sees that he was caught. He goes farther back and thwarts the cop from stopping him from committing the crime. The cop goes back before that and stops the crook. the cycle could repeat itself many times over.

Another problem is the "messing with history" issue. Say it is five years after the invention of the time machine. Someone uses a machine to go back and kills the inventor, making it certain no one will discover his plans for 20 years. But then, the murderer wouldn't have a time machine to go back in time with, therefore allowing the inventor to live, allwing the murderer to go back again. Which thing takes priority? Or if someone went back in time and did something that resulted in them never being born, which means they never were alive to do that act, which means they were born... I hope you see what I mean.

Thinking about the possibilities of time travel and all the conflicts can sometimes be too much to think about.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 01:36 PM
Me, Myself, and I? That sounds familiar...
Posted By: bakasi Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 02:14 PM
Is anyone going to write that now, or do I have to do it?

Too bad that Becca cannot be the one... That would have pushed the relationship between her and Lois to a whole new level. blush
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 02:31 PM
Well, as a matter of fact, I started on it. I just don't know whether it is any good. Want a peek?
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 03:52 PM
Here's where I was going. If you really start to think about Lois "having an affair" with Superman (even though that's not possible since she's married to him, yet is she, since she's really married to Clark, you start to see Clark's problem with referring to himself in the third person) or even as someone mentioned, somebody thinking Clark and Lois were each having an affair with Superman, you end up with Clark having an affair with his other "person", which, besides being twisted, gives you a Me, Myself, and Irene kind of situation.
rotflol The way you have written this is SO funny… I actually read a story (I think at Anne’s Place) where Lois has an affair with Clark AND Superman - at the same time. Not exactly the same, but your description reminded me of the ‘menage a tres’. (Sorry, don’t know if I spelled that right or not.)

Well, you have to wonder if something isn’t / hasn’t already happened to us. I don’t think time travel per se is possible (at least at this point), but Einstein’s theory of time being a loop is a darn good one…

Well, as a matter of fact, I started on it. I just don't know whether it is any good. Want a peek?
Me, me! I wanna peak (you know I do). Are you doing time travel or the daughter having a crush?
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 08:33 PM
All in favor of a peek, raise your right Graemlin! wave

Posted By: woody Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 10:08 PM
I think it's actually menage a trois.

As for the Clark/Superman affair idea, you have to see why Clark laughs so much in those stories where Lois jumps to that conclusion. IF Clark were to have an affair with himself, he might ahve to kiss himself, which I believe to be impossible, though if someone wants to try, they can. But knowing what the viewer knows, that just is twisted.

Actually that made me think of a weird story idea. What if Clark got complete amnesia, learned that he was close to Superman, and somehow got wondering what kind of relationship he had with Superman, if you know what I mean? Maybe he finds something in his apartment that makes him think they're closer than anyone knows? That could get interesting.

No peek:__ Peek: wave
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/05/07 10:14 PM
Not exactly the same, but your description reminded me of the ‘menage a tres’. (Sorry, don’t know if I spelled that right or not.)
It's menage à trois, Nancy. smile

As for the subject of time travel--I like how in the show, there seemed to be an unspoken/unwritten rule that they could only go back in time once. Either Herb or Lois or Clark or SOMEBODY was always saying "We haven't got much time!" in those episodes where time travel was a staple.

And they always managed to fix things the first time around anyway.

I think, though, that unless the paradox cancelled the time traveler him/herself out, or it cancelled the reason for the time traveler to travel, then the universe would make sure that the time traveler went back in time to do what he/she wuold do so that events could precipitate so that back in the time traveler's own time he/she would then be prompted to go back in time to fix that same thing in one of those "self-fulfilling prophecy"-type things. What I like to call a GOOD paradox.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/06/07 01:18 AM
It's menage à trois, Nancy.
Do I dare...? mmm....

Ménage à trois. with an accented e.

Couldn't help myself, this is the only one subject where I actually have the right answers. Any other and I'm convinced all of you guys know more about it than I do. wink

Hey, Mellie - I want a peek at that, too!!
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/06/07 01:44 PM
All in favor of a peek, raise your right Graemlin!
Mellie sent me a peak. It’s good!!

Ménage à trois. with an accented e.
Okay… I thought ménage à trois was strictly a play on words for the Star Trek: The Next Gen ep: Ménage A Troi... as in Deanna Troi. Could be why I got it wrong… But then until I just looked it up, I thought her name was Trois... so something was clicking there.... wink

Actually that made me think of a weird story idea. What if Clark got complete amnesia, learned that he was close to Superman, and somehow got wondering what kind of relationship he had with Superman

I like how in the show, there seemed to be an unspoken/unwritten rule that they could only go back in time once.
Really? Hmm… I never picked that up.
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/06/07 02:43 PM
Ménage à trois. with an accented e.
Thanks, Lara. I couldn't remember whether that accent was supposed to be there or not, so I left it off. smile
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/06/07 02:45 PM
I like how in the show, there seemed to be an unspoken/unwritten rule that they could only go back in time once.
Really? Hmm… I never picked that up.
They were constantly saying "We haven't got much time!" You'd think that, if they had a time machine, and something got screwed up, they could just go back and try to fix it all over again. But that would put in another paradox.

What was the topic of this thread again? dizzy
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/06/07 04:33 PM
I just posted your 'peek' in the nfic section.
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Just like Lois.... - 01/06/07 06:34 PM

Mellie, you've got a bit of the evils in you. evil Great job with that "peek!"
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