Lois & Clark Forums
While we’re waiting for Julie to Post Part 3 of Dude Where’s My Cape, I figured we could pass the time with (surprise!) another Round Robin! This is just a bit of nonsense that came to me in the shower. I asked my muse to hand me the soap, and instead she handed me this. I hope we can all have fun with it. smile


Sue Marie came home from yet another day at a dull, dead-end job. She shrugged off her raincoat and hung it up by the door, then she padded into the kitchen for some coffee. She didn’t even bother to check her messages; her phone hadn’t rung in a month, and the last caller had simply gotten the wrong number.

She was out of coffee. Sue Marie smacked her forehead. She had forgotten to go shopping today. Well, she’d just have to drink water for now--- plain, boring old water for plain boring old Sue Marie.

She got her water then shuffled over to the sofa and flipped on the TV. After browsing through channel after channel, she finally settled on the news.

[…And in local news, Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane found herself in a sticky situation when local hoods---rumored to be hired muscle for Intergang---bound her with electrical wiring and tried to throw her into Hobbs Bay. Fortunately, Superman was there to intervene. Miss Lane is safe and unharmed, much to her husband’s relief, and the thugs have been taken into custody. When asked for comments, husband Clark Kent stated that he was glad Superman was around to keep his wife safe. Miss Lane, on the other hand, refused to comment, saying that she would tell her story in the next edition of the Daily Planet. Now, turning to global affairs…]

Sue Marie muted the television and sighed. It must be great to be a reporter, running after front-page stories, exposing huge scandals, dangling over the jaws of death---it sure beat filing papers and answering phones! And to be married to that hunk of beef Clark Kent…yeah, Lois Lane sure had a sweet life. Heck, she even had Superman!

Oh, sure, Lois Lane and Superman had denied the rumors that they were having an affair, but who were they trying to kid? Sue Marie didn’t buy it, no one at work bought it, and she suspected the only person in the whole nation who *did* buy it was Clark Kent!

Lois Lane had it all: a great, exciting career, a hot husband, and a *super* lover. Sue Marie had none of those things; she just worked at a plain old nine-to-five job and her last date was five years ago.

Sue Marie looked around at her dull, modestly furnished apartment and sighed. “I wish I was Lois Lane.”

She shut the TV off, then had a small dinner and went to bed. She didn’t hear the little cackle just outside her window, nor did she hear a mischievous, *impish* voice say, “Heh, heh, heh. This should be fun!”


The first thing Sue Marie became aware of was movement next to her on the bed. Adrenaline kicked in, causing her to be fully awake even though it was barely sunrise. Her eyes flashed open and she sat up straight, her heart pounding wildly. She wasn’t alone. There was someone in her apartment, in her room---a *man*!

She watched him, fear paralyzing her so much that she couldn’t even scream! There was a man in her apartment! A very tall, very *large* man was standing in her apartment, in her room, and---her eyes began to adjust to the poor lighting---he was--he was--he wasn’t decent!

Sue Marie tried to get her vocal chords to work and was about to plead with him to take her belongings and leave her alone when he spoke.

“Sorry I woke you, Lois, there’s a robbery across town. Don’t worry, I shouldn’t be too long.”

It took a few seconds for her panicking mind to register what he’d said. Lois? Robbery? What the Heck---?

All of a sudden, her “assailant” began to spin like the Tasmanian Devil on those cartoons. When he stopped, Sue Marie’s eyes popped out of their sockets. He was Superman!


“---Leaving again, I know. I’m sorry, Lois. I’ll make it up to you later; I promise.”

Superman walked up to her and kissed her. Sue Marie thought she was going to die! Then, he flew out the window in a red and blue blur.

As she began to get over the shock of what had just happened, Sue Marie became more and more aware that this *wasn’t* her apartment at all! Just what the heck was going on here? She climbed out of bed and found a light switch.

When the lights came on, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was not her home! While she surveyed her surroundings, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror and stopped to study it.

Her jaw nearly hit the floor.

“My wish! It---it came true!”


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