Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes One Strange Year 2/?! - 05/31/04 04:47 PM
I *tried* to wait one week. I really did, honest! But well, I figured since part 1 was so short and part 2 was ready to go anyway...
Did I mention I have this thing with impatience?
Ah, well; here's part 2. Enjoy! smile


From Part 1:

She went to the window and opened it. “SUPERMAN!”

And Now, Part 2:

Clark was patrolling the skies of Metropolis when he heard Lois’ yell. He flew to her apartment and touched down in her living room, just inside her open window. Lois was pacing agitatedly.

“Everything all right, Lois?”

Lois stopped and looked up at him. “Hi, Superman. Yeah, everything’s fine---well actually, no, it isn’t fine; that’s why I wanted to see you. By the way, thanks for flying me to the hospital.”

“You’re welcome. What’s the matter?”

Lois squirmed a bit. “I--um, need to talk to you. Do you got a minute?”

Clark shrugged. “Sure, Lois.”

She started to lead him to the sofa, then apparently changed her mind and led him to the kitchen. Clark pulled up a chair and sat across the table from her. She looked nervous about something.

“This is probably going to be kind of awkward…” she began.

“Go ahead,” he prompted.

Lois cleared her throat. “Um, okay. It seems---while I was having my appendix out, the doctors---saw---something.”

Clark’s eyes widened and he took in a sharp breath. “Lois! You don’t have---cancer---do you?”

She looked up. “Hmm? Oh, no. No, this is something else. It’s called Endo-something. Endo---” She snapped her fingers trying to come up with the name. “Endometriosis, that’s it! I--um, won’t bother you with all the gory details, but basically I need to have surgery…”

Clark raised an eyebrow. “And---you need another lift to the hospital?”

“No…” Lois became more fidgety. “It’s just---you see, after I get this surgery, I’ll never be able to have children…”

Clark reached over and took her hand. “Oh, Lois. I’m so sorry.”

“Erm, right.” Lois coughed. “Well anyway, the doctor said that before I go under the knife, I ought to take a break from my cycles. Um, do you know what cycles I’m talking about?”

Clark slowly nodded. “Yes…”

Lois took a deep breath. “Basically, I need to get pregnant and this is my last chance to do so, so I was wondering if you’d---um---volunteer.”

If Clark had been drinking something, it would have been on the opposite wall by now. “WHAT?”

Lois winced. “I know this is a little much to ask,” she said, “but I’ve thought it over and you’re the only man for the job.”

It took a few seconds for Clark to regain his power of speech. “Well, why me? In case you’ve forgotten, Lois, I’m an alien. We don’t even know if I can get you pregnant!”

“No,” Lois said, “but we don’t know that you *can’t* either.”

Clark took a moment to digest that. “Still, why me? What about Clark Kent?”

He half expected her to pull a face in disgust and tell him what an unworthy hayseed Clark was. He nearly fell out of his chair when Lois said, “Actually, I thought about him. All things considered, he’d probably be a great father. He’s so---well, you know---*Clark*. The problem is, he’s my best friend…”

Clark gave her a quizzical look. “I thought I was your friend too, Lois.”

Lois sighed. “Yeah, but the thing is, Superman, I *work* with Clark. If something---happened---with you, then you might just fly off and I’ll never see you again. With Clark, though---” she shook her head. “It’s just too risky. Either way I could get hurt, but with Clark I have too much to lose. You’re---safer, I guess.”

Clark reached for her hand again. “Lois, you know I would never try to hurt you. And I know Clark wouldn’t either.”

She gave a weak smile. “Thanks, Superman. I’m sure you mean it. But just because you don’t *try* to hurt someone doesn’t mean you won’t, and like I said, with Clark I have too much to lose. So Superman, will you help me with this? As a friend? I promise not to read too much into it. You won’t be---obligated---in any way. Please?”

Clark looked at her. What could he say? Could it be possible that she really did care for him---Clark Kent---more than he realized? Or was this all an elaborate ploy to get Superman? Clark chastised himself as soon as he thought that; Lois would never stoop to something like this just for sex. For a story, maybe; but Lois wouldn’t lie just to get a man into bed, even if that man did happen to be a superhero. She wasn’t Cat Grant, for Pete’s sake!

She was looking at him, her eyes searching for an answer. What should he say to her? “Lois…”


“I think---I need to think about this for a while.”

“Um, okay, sure!”

He shook her hand and, after promising to give her an answer by the end of the week, flew out the window and headed for his own apartment.


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