Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sorcha It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 09/14/03 12:10 PM
Hey everybody smile

I've never posted in the Challenge Folder before, so I'm a little nervous...but something has to be done at this stage!

A few months ago there was a poll posted asking what everybody's favourite season of L&C was. I, innocent that I am, posted and said that my favourite was S2, but...here's the clincher...I said which eps I didn't like, going off on some rant about how When Irish Eyes are Killing was just yuck. Idiot that I am, I happened to mention in the post that if one more person played the song 'It's a Long Way to Tipperary' to me, I would scream.

I had not heard of a woman named Elena grumble

She pasted LYRICS onto the boards and, it appears was just waiting for me to blow up at her, which I obligingly did <g>.

A few weeks later, with some helpful nudges from Wendy, there was a wav made of this song. And now, every time I put a toe out of line on #loisclark - BAM! Instant mad mad mad

So I'm going to stop it once and for all. Here is a challenge going out to Wendy and Kaethel, two of the main perpetrators, to write a fic based in or centred around - Ireland - EACH. It has to have at least five sentences said in Irish in it, no clichés and no cheating, no using Dublin - that's not fair wink I'm aware that I'm playing with fire by asking Wendy, she being born and bred in Dublin and all - but there's another condition - Kae, you can't pump her for information wink . No short-cuts. I would have liked to include El in this as well, but a little bird told me that she doesnt write fic, more's the pity.

If you should succeed, then I will grudgingly stand back and let you all play that stupid wav on irc for as often as you like, without threat of disembowellment and/or me stopping writing.

However...if you should fail, then not only you, but El, Saskia, Roger, and every single other person with that wav on their computer will be forbidden to use it <eg>. The fate of irc rests in your claws...err, hands, I meant hands!

~Sara [who feels pretty safe, considering]

P.S. Ready to relenquish your crowns yet? evil
Posted By: Kaethel Re: It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 09/14/03 12:18 PM
~Sara [who feels pretty safe, considering]
Don't... don't... evil Oh, and you'll be blamed for me not writing NWH II when I should, Sara!

Kaethel wink (It's a long way to Tipperary... it's a long way to go... It's a long way to Tipperary, to the sweetest girl I know...)
Posted By: Tarkas Re: It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 09/14/03 12:30 PM
Would a shaggy dog story featuring a giant snail count? laugh evil

Posted By: Sorcha Re: It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 09/14/03 12:34 PM
Nice try, Kae, but no I won't. I never told you not to write NWHII, so the only thing I'll be paying for will be your medical cheques when some poor FoLC for whom the frustration gets too much uses the shears a little too enthusiastically.... help
Posted By: Wendymr Re: It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 09/14/03 01:07 PM
So, let me get this straight... I am to write a fic set in Ireland as well? With Irish in it?

Well, that's not too difficult, but you should be warned that if I have to do it, it will set back the appearance of a couple of other fics by at least a few weeks. But, hey, if that's what you want, mo chailin, then that's what you'll get! huh

Wendy smile
Posted By: YConnell Re: It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 09/14/03 02:39 PM
Okay, I'm putting in an official plea for Wendy NOT to write the Irish fic until she's finished...that other thing...she's writing. laugh

I'd consider it mental torture not to see the conclusion of...that other thing...for longer than absolutely necessary.

(hungry BR in need of fic)
Posted By: LabRat Re: It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 09/15/03 01:32 AM
Looks to me like you're learning fast, Sara. You've obviously been studying at El's feet. wink

As for Wendy's pathetic excuse that it will stop her writing other fanfic...har! We all know that she can dash off this little challenge fic for you, plus write five other stories, while washing the car and hoovering the cat, all at the same time.(Sorry, Scrabble!). goofy

Aha! (me checks the rest of the folder) See? Told ya!

LabRat smile (off to read the results...)
Posted By: Wendymr Re: It's a Long Way to Tipperary - 09/15/03 01:47 AM
Just to let anyone who's already read my little response know: if you're interested, there is a slightly revised version in the story folder now. Just some additions in the final section, among other things so that Sara can't claim I'm light on the Irish! wink

Wendy smile
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