Lois & Clark Forums
If no one is posting for my "Action Interruption" challenge, I will smile

This is the English version of "Nunca te duches el domingo por la mañana".

Thanks to L.L.WannaBe for B-Reading it and giving me an idea for the title, to Jose for reviewing it, and to Alicia for her corrections.

I hope you like it.

Never take a shower on Sunday morning

Lois entered her apartment, closed the door and threw her bag and keys on the sofa. It was Sunday and she had to have breakfast with Dr. Klein… at seven o’clock in the morning! <What a man! He’s completely insane! *And* he didn’t know anything about Superman’s secret identity! So much for saying he had information for me… Uff… This morning was a waste of time!>

Well, it was nine thirty, and she had nothing else to do. Not even cooking, Lucy would – she had promised she would. She wasn’t here, now – she was having breakfast with, what’s his name, Nick – but she’d be back soon.

<Well, what I really need now is a shower.>

Lois went to the bathroom, took off her clothes and left them on the floor.


She was in the shower for twenty minutes, and was feeling quite relaxed.
But, at that moment, the phone rang.

“Oh, no!” she said.

Hurrying, she got a towel and stepped out of the shower. However, she slipped on her blouse and fell hard on the floor.

She tried to use her right arm to protect her head, but the only thing she managed was to hurt her arm.

“Oh, God…”

After several attempts, she managed to get upon her feet and walk to the living-room. Lois glared at the telephone, for it had stopped ringing. Frustrated, she grabbed it and threw it on the floor. Then, she went to her room and got dressed.

Calmer, then, she went to the living room and sat on the sofa. Her legs and her knees were hurting a lot, but it was her arm that was in a lot of pain. Lois assumed she had broken it.

A few minutes later, Lucy came back. She immediately knew that something was wrong with her sister.

“What happened, Lois?”

“I slipped…” she grumbled. “I think I broke my arm.”

“What?! We’re going at the hospital right now!”

“Is it really necessary?”

“I don’t know… I think that’s what people do when they break a bone,” Lucy replied, ironically.

“It will heal.”

“Lois, are you kidding me? Come on, get up.”

“Look, Lucy, I really don’t wanna go. If I wanted to, I’d have called 911 by now.”

“You know what? I don’t care whether you want it or not. What are you planning to do tomorrow, go to the Daily Planet with a broken arm?”

“I’m not sure whether it’s broken…”

“Lois, you’re acting like a baby.”

“I don’t need to go to the hospital!” Lois hollered.

Lucy got desperate. She remained silent for a few moments, trying to find something to say to convince her sister, but she decided that the simplest way was the best one. “Never mind. I’ll take you to the hospital anyway, and if your arm is ok we’ll leave. Now get up, if you don’t want me to drag you.”

Lois gave up. “Ok, ok… but give me a hand!”


It was about seven that evening and the Lane sisters were back home. Lois was sitting on the living room sofa, watching television, with her arm in a cast. Lucy was in the kitchen, making coffee.

Then, the doorbell rang.

Lois remembered the doctor’s instructions: “Avoid walking for one week, your knees are in a bad condition.” <Nonsense>, she commented, and tried to get up and go to the door. However, it wasn’t easy.

“Don’t!” Lucy shouted from the kitchen, guessing what her sister was up to. “I’ll go.” She left the coffee pot on the counter and walked to the door.

When she opened it, she saw a beautiful man, with black hair and brown eyes. He seemed to be a little nervous.

“Can I help you?” she politely asked him.

“Can I see Lois, please?”

“Of course, she’s there…” Lucy said, letting him in. “Lois, you have a visitor!”

Lucy went back in the kitchen, and Clark took a few steps towards Lois, without coming too close – he could see that she was not in a good mood.

“Lois, is everything all right?” he asked her. “I’ve been calling you all day long, but your telephone wasn’t working. I thought that something bad happened to you…” Clark looked at her arm, shocked. “What happened to your arm?”

Oh, right, the telephone wasn’t working… How could it, since she had thrown it on the floor? Neither she nor Lucy had remembered to put it back in its position…

…Wait a second…

“It was *you* the one who called me at ten in the morning?” she said, her eyes sparkling in anger.

“Yes…” he said, hesitatingly.

“Kent, I’m going to kill you.”


“Get out.”


“I said get out.”


“Get out!”



Clark couldn’t understand the reason of her hysteria, but he decided that obeying was the best option he had.

Hoping that she wouldn’t throw anything on his head, he tiptoed out of the apartment and closed the door.

“YOU IDIOT!!” Lois yelled, when he was already gone.

The End.
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