Lois & Clark Forums
I found this site to Download Free Sound Effects from. laugh Thought it might be useful for those of ya who like to make AudioFics.

I'd make one but I'm afraid my Japanese accent shows up time and again when I'm not watching it. lol. I suppose it's fine, if you're okay with Lois or Alice or Martha with an accent. lol

Enjoy! I love AudioFics so please make more! ^_^
Please, Sayo, do record some audiofic. Those of us who don't have a problem with different accents will enjoy listening; and those who do will simply look elsewhere.

Also keep in mind that *anyone* who makes a recording might have an accent that will be off-putting to some...Even the native speakers of English. We have people on the MB from all over the world. The accents of our members from Australia, Scotland, and the U.S., for example, would all be very different; possibly even to the point of mutual unintelligibility. I personally enjoy hearing all sorts of accents, but there may well be those who would not listen to recordings of other native speakers of English simply because of their pronunciation.

So please, record away! :-)

Actually, this brings up a point I had been wondering about...When I last looked at the audiofics on the site, I hadn't seen any newer than several years old. Would there be a general interest in reviving the audiofic project? I, for one, enjoyed listening to all of the audiofic available during my commutes to work. I would love to have more to listen to. And, if there were much interest in having new audiofiles, I would be happy to record some of my own vignettes, once time and voice permit. (I have been battling an allergy and sinus-infection induced cough and hoarseness for over a month; it may be awhile before I'd be up to recording anything.)

@Lynn: hi! thanks for the encouragement! i'm posting another thread about the recording program i normally use to record my notes for lectures on my computer which we can also use for AudioFic recording! ^_^

Say, what if you record something I wrote and I record something you wrote? Wouldn't that be fun?

And with the program Audacity that I'll be introducing on another thread, we can have other folks in on the fun! They can record from wherever they are, and then they can send their files to me and I can patch them all together. It'll be like a real AudioBook! We'll need something nice and long to do. laugh
Originally posted by Saori Tanaka:
Say, what if you record something I wrote and I record something you wrote? Wouldn't that be fun?
That would be fun for one or two short stories. (Even when I eventually regain my voice, I won't have time for longer ones.) But I think I would prefer to record most of my vignettes myself, simply because I know that as a listener, I especially enjoy hearing the author's recordings.

And with the program Audacity
I've heard lots of good things about Audacity, but I have never used it myself.

and I can patch them all together. It'll be like a real AudioBook! We'll need something nice and long to do. laugh
What a terrific idea! Thanks for being willing to do the patchwork, so to speak. smile

@Lynn: it's not exactly going to be a chore. Audacity's really user-friendly in my experience. I've used it for a while now, recording my singing (just karaoke -- I'm as bad as Clark, T_T) and for lectures and things. laugh
Posted By: LabRat Re: Free Sound Effects for AudioFic Makers! - 05/24/10 02:44 PM
The accents of our members from Australia, Scotland, and the U.S., for example, would all be very different; possibly even to the point of mutual unintelligibility.
Unfortunately, that wouldn't be much use for the Archive audiofics. We do need to have as much clarity in the recording as possible - there would be little point if the listener couldn't understand the story.

That said, accents are very welcome and not at all a bar to recording an audiofic per se. It should be fine, so long as you speak clearly.

The audiofic project in general is as open as it's ever been. All that's stopping new audiofics being posted to the website is that none have been sent to me for uploading. laugh If anyone wants to volunteer to make an audiofic, it will be very welcome indeed.

LabRat smile
@Labrat: I understand ^_^ I think I can make one and minimize my accent.
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