Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Catherine Bruce MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/01/08 03:38 PM
This is Rihanna's 'Hate That I Love You.'

Waaaaay back in October, in mIRC, Trinity had asked if I would be interested in doing a vid. Of course, I was! So she sent me the song and!

...I completely forgot all about it until she mentioned something about the song again a couple of days ago.

I felt bad! Horrible! Like scum on the bottom of someone's shoe! So shortly after I finished 'I Can Wait Forever,' I started this one up.

I thought it would take forevers! Fortunately for me, and my sanity, I didn't!

So here you go, Trin! Sorry it took me so long...

32 MBs

The smaller version will be up shortly! Or not, depending on how slow my computer decides to be. :p
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/01/08 04:26 PM
Awww! that was sweet and fun! smile Well done!
Posted By: EditorJax Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/01/08 05:12 PM
I LOVE this, Cat! You did such a great job, and Trin is right, the song is fantastic for L&C.

Some of my fave clips:

The parallel of "I love you" with her sliding her arms around his neck in the "7:01 ... 7:02 ... 7:03" scene and "I need you," with her putting her arms around him when she's crying in "Witness."

The "under a spell" lyric with the HIM kiss and then Lois looking utterly dazed.

When he freezes her with his breath -- it's in time to the music. LOVE it!

"I just can't let you go" with the scene at her window before he leaves for New Krypton.

This is just great! clap
Posted By: Eva Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/01/08 05:15 PM
Hi Cat,

great vid, thanks for sharing smile

The clips and the song work so well together: I love all the scenes you found of them embracing - really nice (and the kissing scenes aren't half-bad either smile )

Also, you really matched the lyrics well - congrats.

Lonely Lois in the beginning with Supes flying off - sets the mood nicely.

SD-Clark for "I can't stand that most every thing you do ... makes me smile" - great

Loved the clip you used for "so that I can't stay mad at you for too long" smile

Very nice how you put the "this is forever packing"-kiss with "I hate that I love you so".

"The power that you have" - Lois takes of Clark's glasses during the proposal: very fitting.

"No one knows me the way you know me" - just them against the stars, very sweet.

Loved the last scene (and actually the one before it, too, where Clark is sitting at the table) - very sweet, very sad.

All in all: awwwwwww


Posted By: Kltpzyxm Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/01/08 05:45 PM
Oh Wow! I have heard Trinity talk many times about how this song would make a great video, but for some reason I could never really see it. I can see it now! It was perfect. The Diva stands corrected on this one! Great work!
Posted By: Trinity Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/01/08 06:29 PM
YAY! Thank you sooooooo much Cat!

This is exactly what I pictured every time I heard the song. You did such a great job matching up the clips with the lyrics. It's perfect!

*big hugs*
Posted By: stephnachia Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/03/08 01:09 PM
Very nicely done, as usual. wink The clips were perfect for the lyrics. I really thought the part where they're arguing from Ides of Metropolis and the lyrics say something like, when we fight... and then it shows Lois not pounty anymore and the lyrics say, we make up... or something like that. So perfect. Well done! thumbsup
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/05/08 06:35 AM
I love it!!!! Have anyone heard of Alicia Keys song Superwoman Is is cool!!!! thumbsup thumbsup hyper
Posted By: TOC Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/05/08 09:48 AM
Beautiful video, Cat. On one occasion, Lois's lips seemed to move in perfect synchronicity with the lyrics in the song.

Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: MV: Hate That I Love You - 04/05/08 10:45 AM
Trinity was right, this works great for Lois and Clark smile This was sooo good!!!!!!!!!! Really the scene matching and everything!! laugh

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