Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: AnHa Music video beta? - 01/10/08 05:03 PM

I am very close to finally completing my very first music video! I only need to add four more clips, but I'd like to get a little feedback before completing it. Is there someone who is willing to beta it?

Oh, and I also need to find a scene where Lois & Clark enter a room and one of them closes the door. For example the conference room. Preferable second season, but first season is okay as well. I've watched a few episodes, but haven't come across a fitting scene.

Posted By: cp33 Re: Music video beta? - 01/10/08 08:19 PM
What about the finale of second two where he takes Lois into the conference room to tell her what is happening with Mazik?

Looking forward to see what you have.
Posted By: AnHa Re: Music video beta? - 01/11/08 12:46 AM
Good idea, I'll have to check that scene when I get home. Thanks! smile
Posted By: AnHa Re: Music video beta? - 01/11/08 02:03 PM
Oops, I forgot to mention that they also need to lock the door. blush
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