Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Matrix MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/08/07 08:55 AM
This is Linkin Park's new song, the one featured in "Transformers". Hubby and I loved this song as soon as we heard it on the radio and have been playing over and over since then. Hubby challenged me to make it an LnC vid, and since I'm not one to back down from a challenge :p I had Bubbles get right on it. laugh

It was a hard song for me to match up, but hopefully you'll enjoy it - hubby did. It's set around the 2 eps "And The Answer Is" and "We Have A Lot To Talk About". Let me know what ya think!

What I\'ve Done
Posted By: Laura S Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/08/07 09:22 AM
Oh my gosh, I can barely keep up with all the videos being posted! It's awesome. smile But anyway, this was such a cool idea. I would have had no idea where to go with with this song, but you pulled it off with flair. I love how the black and white sort of restated his guilty feelings. And I think the song might have to be added to my ipod... Thanks for posting this!

Posted By: symbolicangel Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/08/07 11:10 AM
Great video!

Great minds think alike. I adore this song and have been listening to it over and over again for the past few weeks trying to come up with a way to make it into a video. I finally did come up with an idea, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

You did a wonderful job. I, too, really liked the black and white clips.

smile Thanks for taking on your husband's challenge!
Posted By: MetroChumpy Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/08/07 01:08 PM
Great one! I love the Linkin Park CD this is off of (I did a vid with a song from it too, hehe). I wasn't sure how you were going to make this work, but you're awesome at taking songs I never would have thought of for LnC and making great vids out of them!

I loved your choice of clips. Great editing job! I'm a sucker for black and white.

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/08/07 05:55 PM
OOOOh! DJ! I loved what you did with this song! smile Great choice of clips and I loooove the b/w parts.

Good work!!!
Posted By: Karen Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/08/07 06:54 PM
I don't often watch videos, but I love Linkin Park, and I love this song, so I had to check it out. And I have to say, I love how you put this together. The plot of the videos works so well with the music and the lyrics, it's wonderful!
Posted By: Shadow Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/08/07 10:30 PM
Oh, stop everything! We have a Linkin Park video in the house!

Loved the clip shattering in the intro.
The black and white clips during the bridge were perfectly matched.
And I'll let my graphics geek out for a second and say I liked your blue title font. wink

God it still makes my head hurt how this possibly wound up in another forum lol.
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/08/07 11:11 PM
wow, really great video!!!!
I loved how we saw Clark's face in the beginning before the title comes. You realy created some angst like that.
And I'm gonna join the group I love the black and white memories like that. laugh
Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/09/07 06:24 AM
Oooooh, thank you for all this lovely fdk. I'm glad you all enjoyed it as much as hubby did. <g>

Laura S -

I would have had no idea where to go with with this song, but you pulled it off with flair.
blush - Oh, thank you! It was hard but, for me, that's the fun of it - the challenge. <g> Glad you liked it well enough to add it to your ipod - yippee! Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Symbolic!
Great minds think alike. I adore this song and have been listening to it over and over again for the past few weeks trying to come up with a way to make it into a video.
Ooooh, you too? When I was working on my last vid, "Dare You To Move", hubby had this song on in the background at one point and was jamming out to it and said "you should make a vid to this one". I complained about it being hard, but I love a challenge, so I tried it anyway. Glad it paid off and everyone liked it. Thanks!

Hi Jessi!

I wasn't sure how you were going to make this work, but you're awesome at taking songs I never would have thought of for LnC and making great vids out of them!
blush - Awwww, thank you! sloppy How sweet of you to say. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm a sucker for black and white too... and flashbacks. <g> Thanks!

Hi Lara! Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it. <g>

Oooooh, Karen! I'm tickled that I enticed you with this song. And even more tickled that you thought it was so wonderful! Thank you!

Jen! When I saw your reply in that other thread, I figured that it was just the boards being glitchy again - lol. I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks. Yeah, when I saw that particular font - it just felt perfect. <g> Glad you thought so too. Thanks!

Hi Camy! Thanks!

I loved how we saw Clark's face in the beginning before the title comes. You realy created some angst like that.
Ooooh, thanks! It made it feel kind of surreal to me, glad you enjoyed it.

I'm so glad you all enjoyed this one. I was telling Laura S in her thread that I understand feeling sick of a song after you make a music vid out of it (because you listen to it like 15 billion times while you're making the vid)... but that didn't happen with this song. I LOVE it.

Anyway, thanks!

-- DJ
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/12/07 01:34 PM
Ummm I can't believe I missed this one blush

Well done Miss DJ. Really earning your new title I see... wink

Great transitions, great revalation video, great song. I love this "new age" style of videos we are getting. Not as much waff or drama but a more realistic feel. Very well done, you are keeping up with an awesome trend my dear.

"So let mercy come.."

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/17/07 12:40 PM
Ooooh! Hi Kelly! Thanks so much for the fdk! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Squeeee!

Thanks again everyone!

-- DJ
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/19/07 04:47 PM
Another DJ vid! YAY! I woefully behind on my L&C vid watching - fic reading, too, I'll get back to House of Cards, I promise - but when I saw you'd done one I thought I'd better get over quick! Of course, I think that was a few days ago... Ahem. Anyway! I'm here now! :p

Great opening, it conveys an immediate sense of foreboding but a little bit of excitement, too.

The time frame you chose fits the lyrics nicely.

Good visual effect on the memories.

I've always like the shot you put at the end of the kiss in front of the moon. I love the way he cradles her head.

I enjoyed this, DJ, that you for sharing it! And YAY for husbands who issue fun challenges that we get the benefit of! smile
Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 07/24/07 05:24 AM
Hi Lisa! There has been a rash lately of new vids, hasn't there? I'm behind too! It's great! Err... not that I'm behind... but that there are so many vids. goofy

I'm so glad to hear that I'll be seeing you again on House of Cards <hug> I've missed you. <g> But I'm so happy you left me some fdk on my vids. Thanks.

I usually always start my vids with the titles, but this one seemed better to start with a scene - glad that worked. <g> And glad you liked the time frame and memories. Thanks.

Mmmm <drool> me too - I love it when he cradles her head. I love it anytime he puts one or both hands on her head or hair <more drool> laugh

Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I'm glad hubby gave me the challenge. Thanks Lisa!
Posted By: Princess_sarsa Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 08/14/07 01:30 AM

I really love this song, and I'd love to see this vid, but the link doesn't work. Is it uploaded anywhere else?
Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 08/14/07 05:27 AM
Hi Princess_sarsa!

I think they are having problems with the folcvideo webpage. I will see if I can upload it to another location for you, okay?


-- DJ

Here ya go! Try this link! Thanks!

What I\'ve Done
Posted By: Princess_sarsa Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 08/17/07 02:12 AM
Hey MetroRhodes

Thanks so much for uploading it again! It was very impressive, and makes me love the song even more now. I also really like the black and white effect, I have never seen it before.

Thanks again!
Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 08/22/07 12:17 PM
Thanks Princess_sarsa. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I LOVE this song - listened to it more times then I'm willing to admit. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

-- DJ
Posted By: Nora Helmer Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 09/16/07 09:25 AM
Awesome video to an awesome song. My favorite part was the flashes of video you chose for "a thousand lies" @ approximately 0:55. That was very cool and innovative.
Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 09/18/07 03:00 PM
Oooooh! How exciting to see this revived again.

Thanks, Nora! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

-- DJ
Posted By: groobie Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 09/22/07 09:13 AM
Coming way late to this...catching up with videos today. smile Love the song, love the concept! You're a master at making these videos! thumbsup
Posted By: Schnuffichen Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 09/24/07 02:18 AM
Hey DJ,

I really enjoyed this vid! You did a great job with effects. You know, it gets annoying when people use too many of them, but you just hit the right amount thumbsup

Posted By: Matrix Re: MV: What I've Done - Linkin Park - 10/04/07 11:28 PM
Oooooh! More fdk! Eeek, I'm so excited!

Hi Groobie! <blush> Awww, thanks! So sweet of you to say. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Hi Jana! Thanks. Glad to know I didn't *over-do-it* -- it can be a fine line to walk. Thanks for the fdk!

And thanks again to everyone who enjoyed it!

-- DJ
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