Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Matrix FFT #2: If I Were You... - 02/24/07 10:12 AM
Okay, let me start this by saying that if you haven't seen LoisLaneWannaBe's (Kelly) trailer for "If I Were You" - then you absolutely must go watch it. Here, I'll save you the trouble of looking for it. Here's the link: If I Were You - Trailer by LLWB

I told Kelly I had been so inspired by the story that I had an idea for a trailer as well and Kelly insisted that I post it.

So here it is. The music is "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera. I love this song and had been thinking about trying to do a music vid for it. Then I heard it the next morning after reading Caroline's story and I was just amazed at how perfect the lyrics were for her story.

Caroline it was a wonderful story. Thank you so much for writing it. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

If I Were You - Complete Story

If I Were You - Trailer by DJ
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 02/24/07 11:07 AM
Ooh, that's awesome -- and you're right, the music is perfect. Great clip choices! Thanks for sharing -- a story as great as this deserves a few trailers laugh

Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 02/24/07 12:30 PM
Wow!! How powerful, DJ! I'd only heard this song once before (thanks to AnnaBtG!), and just I just love Christina's voice. This song it perfect for this story! And I love what you did with the trailer, especially the beginning with the "revelation". notworthy

Great trailer for a great story!!

Sara smile
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 02/24/07 12:39 PM
I told Kelly I had been so inspired by the story that I had an idea for a trailer as well and Kelly insisted that I post it.
Because it is awesome thats why smile

Well done. I love the song, the different perspective (you defenetly used better Lois and Clark fight scenes) and the transition with Superman and Clark was my favorite. Well done.

I hope to see more of your "inspirations" soon smile

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 02/24/07 02:49 PM
DJ, that was *gorgeous*. So beautiful, and you're right, those lyrics were perfect.

Lisa (who is a total Caroline groupie)
Posted By: Caroline Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 02/24/07 05:21 PM
Oh, wow, DJ!

I'll say it again: I love this! I've watched it [insert embarrassingly large number] times in the hour since I found it. It's so beautiful and so heart-wrenching. That moment when she sang "it's dangerous" and Lex trapped Clark in the cage, I swear my heart stopped! You did an incredible job of finding scenes that matched the ones in my head when I wrote the story.

Thank you! And thank you some more! sloppy


Posted By: Matrix Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 02/24/07 06:10 PM
Eeek! Hi everyone! laugh Thank you all so much for the fdk. I'm glad you all enjoyed it - especially Caroline.

Pam thanks for the awesome blush and yes, I thought as good as this story was that it could stand to have more than one trailer. blush

Hi Sara! I'm totally giggling like a school girl that you would insert a <bowing> icon to me. I looked at that and thought "Get out! No way!" Thank you for the compliment on the "revelation" that was the first scene I came up with - I thought there had to be a way to show it. Glad you liked it.

Kelly, you little sweetheart. Thanks for allowing me to ride your coat tails and post another trailer for this awesome story. And for you to say "awesome" --- awwwwww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked the transition scene. And my scenes weren't better...just different. I adored that scene in yours with Superman hugging everyone. That was so sweet and perfect!

Hi Lisa! Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

And Caroline! <hugs back> I'm all giggly that you had to watch it more than once. Yay! Yes, as I was listening to the lyrics and heard Christina say "It's dangerous" I knew I had to time it to where Luthor had Clark at that point. I'm glad it affected you so strongly - now you have an inkling of how I felt as I was reading your story.

You're welcome and you're welcome some more. Now one of these days (heh - probably 3 months from now) I'll find the time to read Stardust as well. laugh

Thanks everyone! And if there is anyone out there who hasn't read the story... well what are you doing here? Go read it!

-- DJ
Posted By: Sue S. Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 03/05/07 11:12 AM
Oh, the extremely late feedback...

Due to my crappy connection at home, it took me a few days to even be able to download this to watch it. And then waaaaay too long to come back and say anything.

DJ, you know I loved this. Loved that it fit so perfectly with how I pictured this fic in my head. Loved the titles and how you intercut them with scenes from the show. They just suck you right into the song/story. And I absolutely adored the "memories". Especially that you got the one of him throwing her in the dumpster (love the way Caroline called that "one of his more brilliant moments"). laugh

Well done!

Sue (who is also a Caroline groupie)
Posted By: Matrix Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 03/13/07 12:37 PM
Oh, the extremely late feedback...
blush Oh, the extremely late reply! Ack!

Thank you Sue! <hugs> I'm tickled that you loved it. Yes, when I read that part in Caroline's fic about how Lois had been robbed of her perfect view of Superman... She wanted to think of him as:

Perfectly kind, perfectly generous, perfectly selfless. Certainly not the kind of man who would toss her in a dumpster or send her on a wild goose chase at the sewage reclamation facility. *Or* the kind of man who would make cracks about undressing her with his x-ray vision.
I just knew I had to work that dumpster scene in as one of her memories. <g> Glad you enjoyed that.

Thanks so much for the fdk!

-- DJ
Posted By: Sheila Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 03/14/07 08:53 PM
That was...incredible. My goodness, those clips were perfect. And the music was so...sensual.

And by the way, "If I Were You" had to be one of the alltime best L&C fanfic stories written!
Posted By: Matrix Re: FFT #2: If I Were You... - 03/22/07 08:21 PM
Awww, thank you so much Sheila -- and yes, I agree. Caroline's story ROCKED!

-- DJ
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